17 Stories About Mothers-in-Law Who Are Full of Surprises

Family & kids
4 hours ago

Even though it might seem that all mothers-in-law have some common features, in fact they are ordinary women who can be very different. Some of them become their daughter-in-law’s reliable friends, others play cool, while others masterfully get on the nerves. This article features a variety of stories about mothers-in-law, both heart-warming and annoying.

  • My future husband and I had been dating for about a year when he decided to introduce me to his parents. I was worried about this meeting because his mother’s opinion was very important to my then-boyfriend.
    She met us on the doorstep and, seeing me, said, “I don’t like you.” I sighed and replied, “Well, let’s get to know each other better. Maybe you’ll change your mind later.” She looked at me and laughed, “Well, you’re a brave girl. Okay, we’ll see.”
    And you know what? It was the fact that I didn’t flinch, but responded calmly and confidently, helped us communicate normally. What’s more, she and I are now best friends! My husband sometimes jokes that I managed to win her heart with my sincerity and stubbornness. © Mamdarinka / VK
  • When I started dating my future husband, I really wanted to make a good impression on my future mother-in-law. So I lied that I know how to knit, and gave her knitted clothes that I actually bought. I got caught when I forgot to take the price tag off.
    My mother-in-law, instead of making a fuss about it, came up to me, smiled, showed me the price tag and said, “I once got busted by my mother-in-law too when she figured out that I was buying dumplings, not making them myself.” © Mamdarinka / VK
  • Before my birthday, my mother-in-law asked me what I wanted to get as a gift. I said that I wanted perfume. So at my birthday party, she gives me... a waffle maker. I’m shocked, but there’s nothing I can do about it. I thanked her and put it aside.
    A couple of days later, I decided to bake waffles. I opened the box, and there was money and a note inside, “Sorry, my husband made me buy this waffle maker. The money is for perfume and lipstick. Love, kisses.” That’s how nice and cool my mother-in-law is. © ist0rii / Pikabu
  • I gave birth a couple of weeks ago. Came home with the baby, and my first postpartum craving was fast food. I just dreamed about it in the labor room. So we put the baby in the pram and walked to the cafe. I had a burger with French fries as if for the first time — it was so tasty.
    But my mother-in-law didn’t let me enjoy it. She called to find out how I was doing and started shouting into the phone at my husband that I was crazy and that I should eat porridge on water. Does anyone else in the 21st century think that young mums need to diet? © Mamdarinka / VK
  • I decided not to cook anything for my husband’s birthday. His friends love to play computer games. So, my significant other and I made a buffet table with a huge selection of different snacks and several types of drinks.
    We were having a great time until my mother-in-law came over. She said with horror, “Mary, you didn’t even make a favorite steak for my Alex? How can you be so lazy? It’s your husband’s birthday!” © Mamdarinka / VK
  • My mother-in-law was supposed to come for a visit. And it was always a challenge. So, I decided to get ready. I cleaned the whole house, ordered food from professional chefs to make everything seem homemade. I dressed as my mother-in-law used to dress — modestly, but tastefully.
    I’ve thought of everything. What could go wrong? But then bang! She didn’t like the saucer I brought her tea cup on. It didn’t fit the cup. I won’t be pleasing anyone anymore. © Ward 6 / VK
  • I think my mother-in-law is trying to drive me crazy. Once I was making a festive dinner, and when I put the dishes on the table, they all turned out to be terribly oversalted. Then my mother-in-law told me that I salted the dishes 5 times, but “forgot” about it.
    And recently I asked her to pick up the child from the daycare because I had to stay late at work, and my husband was on a business trip. I came home at 10 p.m. — my son is not there, and my mother-in-law is watching TV. I freaked out, “Where is the child?!”
    And she says she rang me and said she couldn’t pick him up. But I remember that she didn’t call me! I don’t know what to do, my husband has no power over her. © Caramel / VK
  • My husband and I were out of town for a week, so we gave our cat to my mother-in-law. When we arrived home, we noticed nothing unusual. After a while the cat began to behave strangely, and a couple of days later began to give birth! We went to the mother-in-law for an explanation.
    It turns out that this kind-hearted woman brought a neighbor’s tomcat in. And the result of this activity was “wonderful kittens, which you will definitely give away. There are a lot of kind people.” And she hadn’t told us about it because “she forgot.” And when I asked her if she wanted to take a kitten, she replied, “Oh, I would rather not.” © Caramel / VK
  • My mom passed away when I was a teenager. My mother-in-law replaced her. She always took care of me, worried about me, and called me “my daughter” affectionately. Every day we called each other, I trusted her with more secrets than my girlfriends. But one day, I made a mistake.
    I forgot that a mother would always protect her own child. My husband in a fit of quarrel hurt me badly, and I called my mother-in-law in tears. I said something, and she got angry with me. She said if he did it, I deserved it. And that I should rethink my behavior.
    It was a revelation to me. No one can replace my mom. © Caramel / VK
  • A few years ago, I had a complicated back surgery. It lasted 5 hours, I spent several hours recovering from anesthesia, and then I had a long recovery in the hospital. And at home I had to spend a lot of time just resting and doing all sorts of exercises.
    I was surprised by my mother-in-law, who immediately after my discharge from the hospital came to visit me with a “gift.” She brought me a 5-liter watering can. She handed it to me with the words, “Well, you can’t water a vegetable garden with a big watering can, so here is a small one for you!” © Mamdarinka / VK
  • I got pregnant with my third child and decided to talk to my mother-in-law if she could stay with my children while I would go back to work, part-time. My mother-in-law has been retired for a long time, my mom works, she definitely has no time. So, my mother-in-law says, “I will sit with them, but you should pay me.” I was shocked.
    I asked her to babysit, so I could earn some money, and she says: give this money to me. Aren’t grandmothers supposed to help? What are grandmothers for? I told my husband about it and said that I wouldn’t let her see my children for talking like this. © Mamdarinka / VK
  • My mother-in-law pissed me off from the very first day. She always didn’t like something and quietly complained about me to my husband. I thought I could never get along with her. But after we had a son, my mother-in-law changed beyond recognition.
    She became so affectionate. She always helps, kindly agrees to babysit her grandson, never says a bad word. That’s why she was so mean. Because she didn’t have a grandson! © Mamdarinka / VK
  • One day, I woke up and didn’t find neither my husband nor our 7-month-old son at home. There was a note from my husband saying he had taken our son for a walk. I had already made lunch, but they were still gone. My husband didn’t answer the phone.
    Then I noticed that all baby things were gone. I called my mother-in-law. She said that I was an unworthy wife and mother, so now my husband and son would live with her.
    I was shocked and immediately called the police. I took my son back, but I divorced my husband and forbade him to come near me and my son. © Mamdarinka / VK
  • Recently, my mother-in-law came to visit us. We have a very good relationship with her, she never interfered into our relationship with my husband. Before her arrival, I fell ill, so I had no power to clean and cook dinner. But it didn’t bother me, to be honest.
    My mother-in-law finally arrived. And the first thing she did was to scold her son for not cleaning while his wife was sick. She was supposed to be with us for 2 days, I had so many things planned for us, so I was very upset that I was sick.
    So during those 2 days, my mother-in-law took care of me and spent time with her grandchildren. And as soon as I recovered, we went to see the city, just as I planned. My mother-in-law stayed for a couple more days so that I had time to show her all the best places. © Mamdarinka / VK
  • When I was pregnant, my mother-in-law came to us one day and brought a pyramid toy. It was old and big. I loved it, it was beautiful, I hadn’t seen such toys for a long time.
    I asked, “Did you find it at home?” Her answer killed me, “I was walking the dog at night, and saw it next to the rubbish dump. It was clean, just one ring is missing.”
    I wanted to scream at her! I still can’t get it out of my head. © Mamdarinka / VK
  • I had a birthday party. My husband gave me an expensive set of matching earrings and a necklace. When his mom saw it, she tried to go on a rant about how spoiled I was, but surprisingly, the father-in-law shut her up.
    And a couple of days later, I opened Instagram and became speechless. My mother-in-law posted a photo of her wearing my set with a caption thanking my husband for the early birthday gift to her. At home, my husband and I checked the footage which showed the mother-in-law using her key to get into that house, which I regret giving to her, and coming back out with the box in hand to walk back to her car.
    My SIL and other in-laws were calling her out on the theft in the comments. My husband texted and called, trying to get MIL to give the jewelry back, but she has been refusing to since it’s her right to take them because her son wasn’t spending his money on the right things, and I was ungrateful about receiving them. © Any_Snow5384 / Reddit
  • When I was pregnant a few years ago, my mother-in-law made a fuss over a lot of things. A dumb one was that I wasn’t allowed to refer to my baby as “my baby.” If she heard me refer to my baby that way, she freaked out and accused me of planning to not let anyone else hold the baby once she was born and that I was going to not let her son/my partner bond with our baby.
    One time it happened again, and I asked her how she introduces my partner to people. In a confused voice, she said, “I say he’s my son.” I immediately cut her off and matched her previous tone/energy. “Oh, I guess he’s not the father-in-law’s son, then! He’s only your son, apparently! Don’t you think that’s a bit selfish?”
    The mother-in-law kept trying to correct herself and insisted that’s not what she meant by it, but I just kept going for a minute until she went quiet. We sat quietly for a few moments while she thought, and then sheepishly admitted that she got the point. © AmbieeBloo / Reddit

And here’s a story from a woman who was called “a terrible mother” by her mother-in-law. You’ll be surprised what happened next.

Preview photo credit Any_Snow5384 / Reddit


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