17 Times Where a Guardian Angel Came Out of Nowhere
Little thoughtful acts can go a long way, like giving food bags to delivery drivers or returning a long-lost wallet. However some peoples’ kindness knows no boundaries and they go out of their way for others, like the cheerleader who held up her friend for the perfect photo. These acts of kindness remind us daily that some people really are guardian angels looking out for us.
At Bright Side, we value kindness very highly, and so we thought we’d share some of the truly selfless acts others have experienced.
1. “Cheerleader helping a friend out for a picture with a fan.”
2. “A wounded eagle was rescued in my town.”
3. “Tiny turtle saved from dog!”
4. “Today is my grandpa’s 83rd birthday.”
“My cousin drove all over trying to find him a carrot cake because it’s his favorite. She finally found one 45 minutes away. This is him when he saw it.”
5. “Random man hands me $100. Tells me not to thank him and to just take it. This reaffirms my faith that good people still exist.”
6. “This big brother helps his baby sister use the doggie door. He stands there and lets the baby go through his legs!”
7. “Our way of helping delivery drivers stay happy and healthy with SNACK BAGS :)”
8. “Always check deceased opossums for babies in their pouch. Saved this little one earlier!”
9. “This is where I found my phone, after I dropped it while walking. Thank you to whoever took my phone out of the rain.”
10. “Me and my father helping Treebanks plant 10K trees.”
11. “Found this at a local fast food restaurant.”
12. “Neighbors heard we were sick. I hear a knock on the side door and walk outside and see this!!”
13. “I thought someone lost this hat in the park the other day until I read the note...”
The kind stranger’s note says:
I am not lost. I was handmade for you. If you are cold and need me, please take me.
*Knits by Katie
14. This kind person who rescued a squirrel who needed help.
15. “Tropical Smoothie employee put my bacon on the side because I ordered veggie chicken, big wholesomeness :)”
The note says:
Ordered veg. chicken and didn’t know if I should add bacon. Left bacon in a separate bag, sorry :D
16. “My mom’s purse was stolen in the ’80s. Today someone messaged her that they found it deep in the woods.”
17. “Rescued a very good boy yesterday. Meet Bishop!”
Do you have a rescue animal? Have you ever experienced a moment of pure kindness from someone?
Got some cool photos or stories and want to be featured on Bright Side? Send them all right HERE and right now. Meanwhile, we’re waiting!

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