18 People Who Went on a Date But Ended Up in a Sitcom

month ago

The road to finding a soulmate is lined with dozens of first dates. Some of them are just boring, others leave a pleasant aftertaste. But there are also those that we are too embarrassed to remember. But you can discuss them with your friends!

  • I met a guy, and he turned out to be studying to be a psychologist. I thought: how cool and interesting that is! But he started analyzing me right on the date: why I dressed like that, what it meant, and that I had self-esteem problems. He tried to dig into my childhood, going over possible traumas.
    We ended up talking about me all evening, not our common interests or general topics. I left with a feeling that I’d been to a doctor’s appointment, not a date. © Caramel / VK
  • On my first date with my now-boyfriend, I ordered a dish I’d seen on the menu for the first time. In fact, I didn’t know what it was at all, but I didn’t want to look stupid.
    It turned out to be incredibly spicy. I, of course, decided not to show how hard it was for me to eat it. But he immediately noticed that I was literally “burning” from the spiciness, and laughingly offered me water, then ice cream, and then bread. We laughed until we cried, and he joked that my persistence won his heart.
    Ever since then, my boyfriend has called me “my spice girl.” 2 years into our relationship, every time we go to a restaurant, we try something spicy together. © Caramel / VK
  • I was 17 and picking this girl up at her house. Her mom let me in and said I can wait since my date wasn’t ready yet.
    So, I’m chilling on the couch waiting when my date comes downstairs with her dog behind her. The dog runs straight up to me, sticks its head in my lap and vomits. My date is mortified, but her mom is cracking up. © 72scott72 / Reddit
  • As we’re walking in the shopping mall, we pass this women’s shoe store. He asked if I liked shoe shopping. He seemed to get a kick out of me trying out all these different shoes that I couldn’t afford, modeling them for him in a playful way.
    We went back to the restaurant and got in the car. He dropped me off at home, and we parted ways with a hug, and a little peck on his cheek from me. I had a great time, and I was kind of excited to see him again!
    2 days later, I get a knock at the door, to discover that he had ordered me, EVERY. SINGLE. PAIR. of shoes that I tried on for him. Over $2,000 worth of designer footwear. This was a first date. I couldn’t decide whether I was more gobsmacked or freaked out by this man’s actions.
    I told him I didn’t want to see him again, and he needed to come and get the shoes! He never did, and I’ve never heard from him again. © miletharil / Reddit
  • A man took me to a restaurant, and the whole time we were there he tried to assert himself and show how cool he was at the expense of the waitress. He was blowing her mind, asking her some really weird questions. Like, “Are these rolls made from male salmon?” When the girl replied that she didn’t know, he rolled his eyes and resented how incompetent everyone was.
    It was very embarrassing. I sat there and apologized like a parrot. © Tatiana Gulyaeva / VK
  • A romantic date with a guy didn’t go according to plan. I invited him to my place and decided to surprise him with dinner. I made pasta with seafood.
    On the most romantic note, our bellies started rumbling in sync. After another 40 minutes, we realized things weren’t going well. We took turns running to the toilet. It was so bad that we couldn’t even go to the pharmacy to get pills.
    I never bought seafood again. And when he got better, he went home and promised to call. But he never called again. © Caramel / VK
  • We went for a walk around a local lake. This lake has little stops along the way for people to exercise (pull up bars, etc.). Dude stopped mid-conversation at EVERY STOP to get in a quick pump. © didyoubutterthepan / Reddit
  • Once I went on a date where the guy brought his mom along. He said she was his best friend, and they did everything together, she even ordered for him. It was super awkward, and I didn’t know how to react.
    I finished the meal and made an excuse to leave quickly. Never called him back. © Ok-Shop-6376 / Reddit
  • Second date was arranged by him, the plan was to stop by his house and then go out for lunch. I drove 2 hours to get there and what do I get; he guides me to his office because he had to work, then we get downstairs and I meet his mom and child.
    I ask him about lunch, and he is like, “Oh yeah, I need to do some groceries, and then we can get lunch.” We get in the car, get the groceries, and I ask him where we are going for lunch. His reply, “I need to go back to work, so let’s get some McDonald’s and eat it at my office.”
    Dude is still asking me why I don’t want to date him anymore, and I was very clear. © Targettedonetwothree / Reddit
  • They weren’t the weird one, it was me. His family was very rich, he took me to a fancy restaurant and we had king crab legs. They were the large pieces split with just one cut lengthwise, so I had to pull the shell apart and get the meat out. Well, as I was struggling, I accidentally let go, the shell flew across to the other table next to us.
    It hit a bald man on the head. I guess I was nervous, but I busted out laughing. The look on his face, it was seriously funny. He didn’t ask me out on a second date. © bedazzledbunnie / Reddit
  • I went on a first date with a guy I’d been chatting online with for a while. He was a bit older, but it seemed we had enough in common to meet in person. The whole evening, his drinks and even his meal were placed in front of me.
    The waitress assumed that I was the one who ordered the water with lemon slices and the green salad. I had to take my sugary drinks and burger with fries from his side of the table.
    Turns out, said guy was a serious bodybuilder. He even snuck away at times to go eat some pre-packed snacks in his car. I don’t have anything against it, but that was just one too much for me. I want to enjoy my fatty foods and sugary drinks in the company of someone who can enjoy them with me. © NearsightedReader / Reddit
  • I went to a nightclub for a stand-up show all beautiful: low cleavage, shoulder-length earrings, gorgeous makeup, white fur coat. I came home at night, washed off my makeup, changed my clothes. A strange guy wrote to me via social media, “I saw you at the club, shall we meet?”
    I thought about it and said yes. I put on a down jacket, jeans, pulled my hair in a ponytail. I went outside, his car was there.
    I knocked on the window. He was like, “Get lost, I’m waiting for a girl.” © Larissa Anatolyevna
  • I met a guy on holiday. We had a wonderful day, swimming.
    The next day, he passes by without saying hello. I approach him myself, invite him to swim. He says he’s afraid of water. So, he was making up different excuses for the whole holiday.
    And on the ninth day, I found out that there were 2 of them. Twin brothers. That’s how I met both of them. © Marina Zilin
  • We met at a metro station downtown and decided we’d walk around, window-shop, people watch and sightsee. It was a beautiful summer day and by some chance I stumbled upon 3 or 4 people that I knew. I didn’t want to keep from him, so I just said to these people, “Oh! Hi! Fancy seeing you here! I’ll talk to you later!”
    Apparently that pissed him off. “Do you really know that many people?” “Is it always gonna be like that when we date?” “Did you tell them where you would be?” “I like women to give me their undivided attention” and so on until I finally called it quits and told him I had to get home for family supper.
    After the date, I texted him to tell him it was not gonna work, and he asked if it was because he was ugly. Never it fathomed to him that his attitude was the issue, and when I told him, he called me names and told me I’d never get a man with my attitude before hanging up. © ChibiSailorMercury / Reddit
  • A guy from work had been hitting on me for 5 months. I gave in, we went to a café. He generously orders salads, hot food, coffee, dessert — 2 of everything.
    I only ate the dessert and drank the coffee, he ate the rest. After some time, I said, “Let’s go, it’s getting late.” And then he got up, got dressed and said, “You pay, because I don’t have money, I’ll wait for you outside.”
    I paid, got dressed, went outside. He says, “Well, I have to go, your place is not far from here. Thanks for a nice evening, bye.” © Unknown author / VK
  • My best friend advertised her acquaintance, “He looks like Brad Pitt and Stephen Hawking at the same time.” Well, I think, he’s probably as handsome as Pitt, and as smart as Hawking. I couldn’t wait to meet him.
    And then a friend brought him on a double date. Turns out he’s about the same age as Pitt and wears the same glasses as Hawking. That’s where his resemblance to famous personalities ends. © Caramel / VK
  • I was bartending quite a few years ago when I was about 20. I like older men, and one of my regulars in his forties asked if I’d like to go out to see a softball game nearby and dinner. I said sure.
    We pull in and as I’m walking to the field, I realized that these are like preteen girls playing. I guess I assumed it would be his friends playing? So, we’re walking to the bleachers, and he tells me that this is his 2 daughters’ softball game and as I’m sitting down, he points to the woman next to me and says it’s his ex-wife (the girls’ mom). We’re both just looking at each other wide-eyed because I shouldn’t be there and we both know it.
    The girls come running out to meet “dad’s girlfriend.” I was nice, wished them luck, they went back to the game, I apologized to his ex-wife for his immature selfish attempt to make her jealous and called a friend for a ride. Mom was super nice, understanding and had learned to expect this kind of stuff from him. © DebThornberry / Reddit
  • Went for coffee at a local coffee shop, a man yelled at us from across the establishment, stormed up to the table, got right in my face and yelled, “What the hell are you doing here with my girlfriend?” © buddyboykoda / Reddit

Dating apps are a good way for busy modern people to find love. But they often come with some surprises too!

Preview photo credit vecstock / Freepik, Marina Zilin


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