18 Times People Discovered Something and Couldn’t Believe Their Eyes

3 years ago

Most of us have found ourselves struggling to throw away old things and end up just stacking them in the basement. One of the reasons why we do this is because reminiscing about the past can evoke fond memories and make us feel good. But while going through the piles of years of unused items, we might find something interesting and we will be glad that we didn’t throw it away.

Inspired by brain-tickling discoveries, we at Bright Side made a compilation of 18 pics, showing that people can spot something rare in every corner.

1. “Discovered today that my fake front tooth doesn’t glow under a black light.”

2. “I have a hereditary gap in my eyebrow.”

3. “Went to the bathroom at dinner and saw this glorious man staring at me.”

4. “I just discovered that these 2 completely unrelated books shared the same cover, just split in 2.”

5. “My friend stripped the wallpaper in her new flat and discovered this.”

6. “Saw a smart car snow plow the other day.”

7. “There are tiny hands inside my girlfriend’s bra.”

8. “This cup at my aunt’s house with a mustache cover”

9. “My parents recently discovered presents under the living room floor, STILL WRAPPED from 20 years ago.”

10. “GF went away for the weekend. Found this when I got home from work.”

11. “I found this in my basement. I’m pretty sure it’s a spider, but I don’t know how he got like that.”

“The Cellar spider is prone to a fungus that lives in wet areas (like basements and cellars). The fungi slowly envelop the spider until it has taken over enough of the living tissue of the spider that the spider dies.”

12. “Found a wrapped present while walking alone on Christmas morning. Card says ’For Her.’”

13. “Discovered my tuxedo cat has a striped tail only visible in the bright sunlight.”

14. “Cleaning out my dad’s inherited hoarder warehouse, and I think I found a hidden family treasure.”

15. “I found a parakeet tail feather in the woods.”

16. “Found this on the bathroom floor of my school.”

17. “This carpet matched my shoes.”

18. “My grandmother looked like Arya Stark in 1936.”

Have you ever made a discovery that made you rub your eyes in disbelief? Share your stories or pictures with us in the comments.

Preview photo credit zoeck014 / Reddit


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