Hilarious Photos Showing the Lies We All Tell on Social Media

9 months ago

On social media, people attempt to be better than they really are. They tend to stage their photos, whether it’s a shot of their nutritious meal, a super cute puppy or a sunny chill-out-day picture to make it look as though they’re “perfect,” as well as everything around them. But in reality, that puppy picture probably took 18 attempts, and that beautiful bowl full of oatmeal and fruit doesn’t likely represent their healthy lifestyle.

Bright Side has collected amusing pictures peeling away the mystery behind “the ideal life”.

“Trying to take a nice photo of our pets”

Loving each other

“The cuteness of our pets as it is”

The reality of cuddling with our partners

Traveling to the nicest places can be surprising.

Be honest: do you tell these kinds of lies on social media? If so, what was your worst lie? Let us know in the comments!

Preview photo credit acidcow, Krzyszu / Reddit


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