19 People Decided to Grow Long Hair, and the Results Are Incredible

3 years ago

We’ve all likely thought about having really long hair and some of us may have even tried it. Growing long hair is not an easy task, especially when stylish and comfortable haircuts are so tempting. Long hair also requires a lot of care and time. But they really do look amazing.

Today, we at Bright Side were inspired by the photos of Internet users that decided to become modern-day Rapunzels and we made an article all about them. They even made us consider not going to the hairdresser for some time. Plus, there are 2 amazing bonuses at the end of the article for you to check out.

“It’s been 8 years since my last hair cut. Used to have to get it cut for school, last haircut was in 2012 when I was in twelfth grade.”

“My hair, all fuzzy and wavy after undoing my braid this morning”

“Shaved my head 2.5 years ago, now it won’t stop growing!”

“My absolute favorite photo of my hair!”

“One day, I decided not to comb out my twists. 10 years later...”

“5 years after the pixie cut!”

“Before/after — 3 years of hair growth!!! For an adequate representation: in the picture on the left my hair was straightened, and in the picture on the right, my hair is natural.”

“Today marks my 3-year anniversary. How does it look, guys?”

“I’ve reached a classic length!”

“My hair has been feeling extra nice recently.”

“I didn’t think that having long hair would make me look so different!”

“Tousled dark brown hair with natural highlights, finally reached my dream length!”

“My hair has finally grown all the way out to where it was before I got very unhealthy and it started falling out.”

“So, at 48, I decided to start growing my hair out. It’s getting there, I think.”

“I’m a little shy, but I wanted to join in with sharing our hair growth stories! I finally have mine down to the middle of my back. I just took this a minute ago and thought my hair looked really nice!”

“Today a coworker asked me for hair advice and it felt good.”

“Didn’t think I’d make it half this far, but 2 years later, I have this.”

Bonus № 1: “Donated around 15 inches today. See y’all in a couple years!”

Bonus № 2: “I mostly see straight and wavy hair, so here’s to the long haired curlies whose hair still looks shoulder length!”

Which side are you on? Do you like long locks or do you prefer short cuts?

Preview photo credit Velideon / reddit


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How do they manage to grow such amazing long hair? this is witchcraft


Good genes! nothing else. Very lucky people they are. I had to undergo surgeries to get a nice hair and it still a long way to go.


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