19 People Who Changed Their Look Completely With Age

2 years ago

Each of us is beautiful in our own way. Anyway, we love experimenting with our looks, and it’s always curious to look at before and after photos to see these fantastic transformations.

At Bright Side, we looked through many before/after photos, and these transformations are undoubtedly terrific.

“18th birthday to 20th birthday of a good friend of mine”

“Before and after 130 pounds of weight loss”

“Me at 12, 20, and 28”

“My baby face and awkward smile are still a part of me, just in memory and spirit now.”

“After 3 or 4 years and 120 pounds of weight loss.”

“I don’t know what happened either.”

“I miss my hair.”

“I’m still emo on the inside.”

“I always felt so geeky in high school. I even went through a period where I wanted to end my life in middle school because of my weight and look. Now I’m in my 30s and feeling the most confident I’ve been in my life.”

“15 to 24”

“To all middle school kids out there, it gets better I promise!”

“Thank god I didn’t have an Instagram back then.”

“I would 100% still wear that silky Hawaiian shirt.”

“I found my old school photo.”

“From being picked on at school for being ugly, to part-time model.”

“15 y.o. vs 30 y.o.”

“Thank god for healthier hair, losing 50 pounds, and smiling more!”

“Time has really changed me.”

“A decade of growing up and learning how to do makeup.”

Do you think these people really changed, or this is just makeup? Share your opinion in the comments below.

Please note: This article was updated on April 12, 2022 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.

Preview photo credit kaulinycia / reddit


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