I really love your hair! super cute!!
19 Women Who Decided Not to Follow Beauty Standards and Embraced Their Gray Hair
It’s hard to not depend on the opinion of those surrounding you and love your appearance without trying to make it adhere to common standards. There are many hot debates about beauty, but in today’s world people are starting to realize more and more often that they don’t want to change themselves to please others.
We at Bright Side are delighted every time we see someone’s unusual appearance, that’s why we decided to show you some brave women who managed to accept themselves the way they are and embrace their gray hair. The bonus part will show you that it’s not just ladies who can look stunning with gray hair.
“Selfie Sunday that helps me accept myself”
“Started going gray at 13. Dyed my hair for 20 years and then I decided to stop!”
“I’ve always loved my natural grey streak, it been like this since I was 20... finally 17 years later I’m on trend!”
“Added some light pink to my silver recently. Curls are all-natural.”
“Salt and pepper shorties...”
Gone gray...
“Define aging gracefully and disgracefully.”
“Am I crazy to be excited about getting gray/silver hair?? They make me feel like magic.”
“Finally learning my hair’s love language and stopped dying it.”
“I started going gray around 5th grade and started to dye my hair black. I’m 30 now and I finally decided to just let it go! Added some red to the tips recently to spice it up a little.”
“I stopped dyeing my hair in July 2018 and this is the result. I’m only 26 in the first photo and I’m 36 in the second one. It’s a myth that gray hair makes you look older.”

you are gorgeous!
“Now thanks to my gray hair I match my cat by color.”
“Letting my premature silver hair grow back out.”
“I’m 29 and have been going grey since 15, so I finally embraced it. Yesterday, for the first time in 2 years, I stepped into a salon and got my hair done, it’s highlighted with a toner put on.”
“Luckily for me, I am unlikely to need it highlighted regularly — will be one to 2 times a year due to my natural grey being so much. I am so happy to have my hair and it looks utterly amazing.”
“I think my gray hair makes me look quite distinguished, like an undercover superhero.”
“I have learned to really love my grey! Surprisingly, I grew up with ink-black hair! The white-grey is almost basically the opposite of what it was but at the same time, feels the closest to who I used to be.”
“Curl day! I love my greys!”
“27 years old and growing my grey hair out! Very pleased with the color and natural red highlights.”
“I started going grey at 11-12. I used to pull them out. Then I dyed my hair forever and now have finally convinced myself (at 32!) how awesome my premature grey is.”
“I let my silver take over.”
Bonus: Gray hair looks good on men too.
Do you think it’s necessary to dye gray hair?
It has been a trend in the UK for young girls to dye their hair grey/silver for the past couple of years... they would pay big money in the hairdressers to look this way!! What better way to do it than the natural way!! 😃👩🏻🦳
most of them look like they have dyed their hair silver 😍
actually gorgeous looking ladies
so weird that because of the standards women are forced to be scared of something so natural like heir grey hair
they all look very good.. maybe more women need to just stop being afraid? 😁

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