20 Furry Moms That Will Bring You a Good Mood

5 years ago

Mother’s Day is celebrated in more than 40 countries and it honors mothers of families and the special bond between a mother and her children. World-known animal rights organization PETA came up with the initiative of celebrating animal moms on Mother’s Day too. One of the suggested activities implies showing schoolchildren pictures of animal moms with their kids and even printing them out and placing them on greeting cards. This is supposed to give children the idea of the strong physical and emotional bond that exists between all mothers and kids in the world.

Here at Bright Side, we got our dose of love looking at these cute animal moms with their kids. Now it’s your turn to enjoy!

1. How many puppies can you count?

2. There’s a place for every child under Mommy’s fluffy paw!

3. A row of love

4. A lemur mom and kids having fun

5. “I made these!”

6. Being a mom means sacrificing your privacy to a certain extent...

7. Aww... Just look at those cuties!

8. Purring fluffies

9. Hey, buddy! Does my kid take after me?

10. What could be better than lying on your soft and warm Mommy?

11. Attention! Cuteness overload!

12. There’s so much love in this picture!

13. A mother’s kiss

14. A purrfect family picture!

15. That little rebel!

16. They look adorable, don’t they?

17. A mom with her newborn kittens

18. Teaching the kids to pose for a photo

19. Successfully copied

20. Countryside perfection

Which of these furry moms seem the cutest to you? Have you ever spotted such adorable scenes of moms’ and kids’ lives? Feel free to share your impressions and pics in the comments!


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