20+ Furry Ones That Are Ready for Another Mischief

month ago

Pets are not only a source of joy, but also recognized masters of chaos. They imaginatively rethink the design of new furniture, decorate carpets with shreds of toilet paper, and test with genuine excitement whether your favorite pot plant can withstand a fall from the windowsill. Each of their mischief causes mixed feelings in us, like irritation and amusement. After all, how can you reprimand a furry mischief-maker if it looks at you with the most innocent face expression?

“The case of missing sausages”

I cooked sausages for dinner yesterday, put them on the table, went out for a minute, came back, and the sausages were gone! I look at the kids. The kids are like, “It wasn’t us!” I looked all over the kitchen until my husband spotted our dog with a satisfied face under the table.
It turns out that she managed to neatly snatch all the sausages without even leaving a trace. And she’s sitting there and looking at us with her innocent eyes, as if nothing happened. How can you scold such a cute face? © Not everyone will understand / VK

“We leave for vacation in a month...”

“The artist and his work”

“My dog destroyed my new mirror that I just got. So new, I hadn’t anchored it to the wall yet. No dogs were injured in this story. The same cannot be said of mirrors.”

“The tracks lead under the bed.”

There is a cabinet at home. My parents leave money on the shelf for me in the morning there, and keep it there, too. Once the money started going missing. My parents accused me that either my friends were stealing the money, or something bad happened to me. I was hurt to the point of tears.
Once I was home alone, and heard some noise from under the bed. I shone a flashlight and saw a lot of banknotes there, and our black cat among them. It turns out that this cheeky rascal dragged money under the bed and chewed it there. © Overheard / VK

“Admiring his work at pulling down the window blinds”

“I did the flooring in one room today and left. When I came back 2 hours later, I saw that the flooring had already been accepted.”

“His Redness was very worried while we were cooking the prawns.”

“Operation Horror

It’s night. I’m about to go to bed, turn the lights off. I head toward the bed, and I can’t take my eyes off the bottom of it, thinking that a hand is about to crawl out from under it and grab my leg.
And when I was already standing close to it, my cat jumped out of the darkness and bit my shin. My neighbors have never heard such a deafening shriek. © Overheard / Ideer

“Whenever I go to pee and I come back to that!”

“Woke up to this loud boom coming from the kitchen at 1 a.m.”

“The Chewy box was delivered, and it couldn’t possibly wait the hour till my shift is done.”

“Cat and his new puzzle”

We used to have a fridge that opened on the right side. The cat used to open it all the time and steal sausages.
Then we bought a new fridge that opened on the other side. After several futile attempts to open it, the poor cat stared at the door for a few days and then accepted his fate. That’s how we found out that our cat is right-handed. © Overheard / Ideer

“Work from home, they said. It’s so peaceful and easy to focus, they said.”

“My all white cat thought the chimney was a fun place to go.”

My cat was tabby on top, white on the bottom. She would walk under the parked cars and one day I noticed a spot on her neck and thought: was it always there? No, it was grease or whatever from the cars.


“My girlfriend saw on Instagram that if you put down tinfoil on a kitchen counter top, your cat will be too afraid of the foil and not jump up.”

“What’s this shiny stuff? I love it!” — Your cat. © Lietenantdan / Reddit

“A cat out of nowhere”

I came home in the evening, tired after work. I enter the room and freeze with surprise — there is a cat lying on the sofa. Not ours! We don’t even have animals. It stretched out on the sofa and lies there enjoying itself.
I think, maybe my husband decided to surprise me. I called him, “Have you got a cat?” He laughs, “I’m at work, what are you talking about?” Okay. I check the windows, everything is closed, the door is locked, no one has keys.
I start calling neighbors, I ask in the house chat — nobody lost a cat. In the meantime, the cat is adjusting to the place: it climbed on the window sill, threw off the vase, chewed on the flowers. I never found out where it came from, but in the end, when my husband came home from work, we decided to keep it and named it Cuckoo. © Chamber 6 / VK

“Looks me dead in the eye and then goes back to drinking my water.”

“My parents’ dog is not allowed on the couch.”

“Having a baby soon. Cats said, ’This is ours, sorry.’”

“A surprise under the duvet is scarier than a horror movie.”

My pug is a big fan of drooling on toys and then burying them in my bed. Once I watched a horror movie where a woman was dragged by her legs from under a blanket to the floor by slippery and sticky, icy tentacle hands. Well, it’s scary, but I have to go to bed anyway.
I quickly turned off the lights, jumped under the blanket and felt that my legs were sinking into something icy and wet. The whole house must have heard my scream. I thought I’d turn gray with horror. Turns out it was a toy covered in drools. © Overheard / VK

“Someone got into the trash. Was it A) a burglar B) a ghost C) my dog who is not acting suspicious at all.”

“So many hours of work and half a ball of yarn wasted because my kitten decided to pull my knitting down to the floor and mess everything up.”

“My dogs decided to eat a pen today...”

And these pets saved their owners’ lives.

Preview photo credit Mysterious_Repair309 / Reddit


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