20+ People That Just Wanted a Normal Vacation but They Weren’t That Lucky

4 years ago

Vacation is a sweet time we all look forward to. In this short period of time, travelers are supposed to just enjoy their lives, discover new places, make plans, and become the main characters of amazing stories. Sometimes, tourists can capture the moment when life makes corrections to their plans and they share them with the world.

We at Bright Side look at photos from trips and we really feel for the people who wanted to have a great vacation but couldn’t. And at the end of the article, there is a bonus that everyone will recognize themselves in.

1. “My son found sea shells on his first trip to the beach. I didn’t have the heart to tell him.”

2. “My vacation in Rio and seeing the Cristo”

3. “Everything I want to say about Bali is in this photo. You only paid to get to the middle of the waterfall, to get to the second half, you need to buy another ticket.”

4. “Went on vacation to Paris with my girlfriend. This was what most of our museum visits looked like.”

5. “I reserved an Airbnb with a sea view... Can’t complain.”

6. “Up at 3:30 AM and hiked about 4 hours to see this beautiful view...”

7. “Trip of a lifetime to Italy to see the Trevi Fountain!!”

8. “My phone fell out of my pocket on my flight to Tokyo last week (going on vacation). The moving of the seat crushed it.”

9. “Went on vacation and paid extra for a room with a view of the mountains. No one mentioned that the snow plow ran right outside our window.”

10. “You’re travelling and finally find a public toilet...”

11. “My puppy chewed up my passport days before international travel.”

12. “A friend of mine traveled all the way to Italy and somehow managed to take a picture of the leaning tower of Pisa that doesn’t show it leaning.”

13. “Traveled to Norway from Florida, and spent 4 hours climbing Pulpit Rock in 40 degree weather, with rain, to be blessed with this.”

14. “Came to Greece for a relaxing holiday in the sun. It’s rained for 5 days straight and I leave tomorrow.”

15. “Vacation with the family, did not expect this...”

16. “The website said this motel had a gym.”

17. “Planned a dream trip to China. This is what the Great Wall looked like.”

18. When you go to London to see Big Ben:

19. “Woke up at 2:30 AM to make a 2-hour drive up 10,000 ft, to see the sunrise atop Haleakala. Have you ever seen such beauty?”

20. “Rented a car and took a 2-hour drive outside of Berlin to see ‘Die Rakotzbrücke’ just to discover the water was drained and the whole area is under construction.”

21. “Took this photo at the Hilton hotel in Bali. We lived not far from there and wanted to check and see if the beach was any cleaner there.”

22. “My friend is on vacation in Hawaii, and she asked this man to take a picture of her. He told her, ’I got a close-up.’ Bless his heart.”

23. “10 years ago I climbed the volcano in Bali, called Mount Agung, at 4 AM in the morning to see the beautiful sunrise...”

It was the very end of a 9-month backpacking trip, and I skipped an important and beautiful scuba diving lesson to do it. I had to get up at 3 AM for the drive to reach the base of the volcano. My best friend and only travel companion at the time was too lazy to join me, leaving me alone with a Balinese guide that knew not a word of English. We reached the end of the road at around halfway up the volcano with ~1½ hours left of steep hiking on wet rugged rocks. The higher we went, the more I realized how grossly I had underestimated the freezing temperatures at the top of the volcano, not wearing any jacket at all. We finally reached the top 15 minutes before the sunrise, inside a dense and moist cloud, giving us visibility of 16-32 feet and our clothes and skin were utterly soaked. Top left: The peak of the volcano. Top right: The beautiful sunrise. Bottom left: The immense crater. Bottom right: Freezing, 19-year-old me. © Hollhut / Reddit

Bonus: All of us have had this feeling.

Have you ever had a vacation that didn’t meet your expectations, but that you will always remember? Share your stories in the comment section below!

Preview photo credit ShadyDingo / reddit


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