I personally think that Balenciaga just takes the trashest trends from the past, mixes them together and then places a huge price :D
At least it looks funny, just like photo #17
Our lives are filled with joyful moments that we don’t always consider funny until someone comes along and points them out. We hope you’ll see yourself in many of the memes shown below. Either way, a smile will definitely be painted on your face.
Which one of the memes above cracked you up the most? You are free to elaborate on your pick or picks down in the comment section.
I personally think that Balenciaga just takes the trashest trends from the past, mixes them together and then places a huge price :D
At least it looks funny, just like photo #17
The fry container thoooooo
I have to admit that captions to every photo make them hysterically funny! :D
This is hilarious! :D
I think #18 is the one picture all the boys can relate to