According to research, our personality styles affect how we perceive the world around us. Intuitive people like to interpret what they see, while observant ones prefer straightforward explanations. However, both types use their imaginations in everyday activities. Just like the people on this list, who put their creative glasses on and saw something unique in the objects around them.
Bright Side gathered several photos which prove that ordinary things can become more interesting with the help of active imagination and keen observation.
1. “This painting in a waiting room is the same print as my phone case.”
2. “This moth picked the perfect urban camouflage.”
3. “These snapdragon seeds I just collected out of the garden look like skulls.”
4. “Hard boiled an egg and it ended up cracking, and the bit that got out looks like a rooster/chicken.”
5. “One half of my dog’s whiskers are white and the other half are black.”
6. “This kiwi that has the ’Batman’ logo inside”
7. “This brick looks like an ice cream sandwich.”
8. “The frost on my house is in the shape of the satellite dish.”
9. “This one just remembered something it forgot to do.”
10. “How this tree loses its leaves on one side during fall, and holds the leaves on the side by the street light”
11. “Small predators lurking in their hideout”
12. “My egg looks like a trademarked mouse.”
13. “The cold weather brought back my car’s window sticker from years ago.”
14. “The way water pooled in only a quarter of this leaf (and how the reflection makes a little smiley face)”
15. “Water droplets on a car’s sunroof after it rains”
16. “My dad’s shoes, where you can see the wear on the right heel from years of resting his foot when he drives”
17. “Cement patches from recent repairs on my home kind of look like a lion on the edge of a cliff.”
18. “My puppy looks like how I drew dogs in fourth grade.”
19. The way the ice froze made this fence look like barbed wire.
20. “This coffee cup matches my pants.”
21. “The dust on my suede roller skates look like an X-ray of my foot.”
Do you also have a photo of an object that had a special or unique detail in it? Or perhaps a picture of an amusing coincidence that you encountered? Share your photos and stories with us in the comment section.