20 People Who Took Advice From Internet Users and Changed Their Hairstyle

4 years ago

The decision to radically change your style is always difficult. Some people get inspired by the example of celebrities, and others are advised by their relatives or friends to get a haircut. Especially daring people take the advice of strangers on the internet. And there is a logic in this — if someone hasn’t yet gotten used to the appearance of the person asking for their opinion and doesn’t have a strong image of this person in their head, it may be easier for them to give practical advice “from the outside perspective.”

We at Bright Side envy the courage of the 20+ people from our compilation. After all, they were not afraid to listen to advice from the internet and radically transform themselves.

“After dying my hair red for a 10+ years, I decided it was time for a change.”

“I’m back to short hair.”

“It’s been many, many years since I’ve had bangs.”

“For over 7 years, I had long hair. But I definitely like my new haircut better — it’s wavy and dries faster.”

“I was afraid that my face was too round for a short haircut. Thanks for encouraging me to do this.”

“I got inspired by your advice and got the shortest haircut of my life. I donated my hair to a charity that makes wigs for children.”

“I’m so glad I listened to you and cut my bangs.”

“I did it. I asked for advice on haircuts like a TikTok girl did, and here’s my before and after.”

“Thanks to everyone who advised me to choose dying my hair instead of highlights.”

“I got a haircut and donated my hair — it was about 19 inches long.”

“I took some advice and left some out. Here’s the final result.”

“Took the plunge and got bangs. Any styling tips?”

“I was a little nervous when I decided to cut my hair so short. But then I realized that if I didn’t like it, I would grow it back in a couple of years.”

“I never wanted bangs, but gave up under the public influence.”

“I swear I can smile (just kidding). My experiment with dying my hair.”

“I have a problem — now I’m obsessed with myself.”

“After receiving your advice, I got bangs. Not the best job, but c’est la vie.”

“Thanks to everyone who explained to me how to properly tint hair using the balayage technique.”

“I impulsively chopped my hair off at home. Should I go even shorter?”

“I cut and bleached my hair, and then dyed it pink. Did I go too far?”

Which makeover did you like the most? Have you ever chosen a hairstyle following someone else’s advice?

Preview photo credit eatspit/ Reddit


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is that person who donated the 19 inches long hair a boy or a girl?


I never heard of the balayage
technique. I'm dying my hair soon. I will use this as the images on goggle are awesome


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