12 Photos That Are the Epitome of a Crappy Day

year ago

Psychologists say negative and positive emotions are transient. We can rule over a negative feeling with the help of positive thinking — it all depends on perception. But it seems like in some cases, it might be hard to find something positive to grab on to.

1. A postal pigeon would have been better.

2. Time to move!

3. When even snacks are against you:

4. Parkour water skiing

5. Fashion police

6. This is just the worst.

7. Just another happy day!

8. What the hell happened to this wall?

9. A pair of pliers would’ve saved the day.

10. A perfect workspace

11. When you prefer the shortest way:

12. No dinner tonight!

What’s the worst thing that ever ruined your day? Share with us in the comments below!


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Oh my! All those pizzas! :( :( Just had a similar crappy day last week...it...was...not...good! ;) Anyone here have crappy days like this recently?


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