When they say laughter is the best medicine, they really mean it — after all, it can take a ton of stress away. So whether you watch a funny movie or sitcom, read a hilarious book, or just browse through some pictures, laughing makes you healthier. Plus, it puts you in a better frame of mind.
Bright Side believes a healthy dose of giggles can make any day more joyful. So if being stress-free is one of your resolutions for 2022, we have some great funnies in store for you.
1. “6 years ago I lost my wedding ring. I ended up getting a tattoo and we moved. My wife just found it in an old purse.”
2. “My 2 items and the receipt”
3. “My son made a tiger I think we all can relate to.”
4. “I saw this funny-looking car...”
5. “Fake game boxes in an IKEA showroom”
6. “My friend has a bounty on her head.”
7. “An apartment building after a large fire and firefighting in −25°F”
9. Spicy pumpkins, anyone?
10. “Overfilled my jars to freeze the bone broth I spent 48 hours simmering.”
11. “I just...don’t know...my dog is sleeping? I guess.”
12. “Hide and seek with my niece”
13. “I 3D-printed The Rocktopus.”
14. “Just found her chilling here for over an hour.”
15. “My boy’s got some quirks...”
16. “My girlfriend: ’I couldn’t fit it in the freezer.’ I hereby apologize to the whole French nation.”
17. “When my wife leaves town, I get bored. 6 days later, I joked, ’I’m going to have a formal dinner with the cats.’”
18. “Today, I messed up.”
19. “I don’t think I’m coming to work today.”
20. “Sock is angry for being left in a smelly shoe.”
What made you laugh the most recently? Was it an image like one of these? Share your giggle-worthy stories with us.