20 Awkward Tweets Remind Us That Life Is Messy and Laughing About It Is the Best Medicine

Scientists claim that our brain reacts more positively to all things that have infant features. We feel bigger affection even for adults and objects that have these features, like dolls, teddy bears, and even tiny miniature products. In our article, we’d love for you to have a serotonin boost by looking at photos that may make you want to squeal to the tune of 1,000 “awws.”
Here at Bright Side, we’ve collected 20 pics that are not staged and that prove that even our everyday life can give us a lot of sweet moments. Let’s dive into this world of adorableness together!
“My husband after 16 hours of work looks after our baby.”
“I set the camera on a timer, taking a picture every second and hold Ella in the different positions I need. Later, I photoshop all the parts together and remove myself from the picture to make a final composite photo.”
What is your usual reaction when you see something really adorable? Which photo from your family album makes your heart melt?