20 Stories That Feel So Unreal Like They Are Plucked From a Fever Dream

2 months ago

The world around us isn’t as predictable as we may think. These 20 surreal stories are packed with strange coincidences, mysterious happenings, and jaw-dropping moments that feel like they’re from another dimension. Believe them or not—the choice is yours.

  • I don’t know if this counts as no proof, but I have a magic alleyway next to my house. If I need something and I can’t afford it, I jokingly pray to the alley gods to leave it for me. I’ve gotten a brand-new microwave, the same day my old one broke. My Teflon pans were all scratched up and needed to be tossed due to a roommate’s cooking and cleaning habits; lo and behold, there is a barely used ceramic-coated pan set sitting in the alley.
    I once was broke and needed cash for gas, and I found a plastic bag full of rare coins sitting next to the alley trash can. One day, my car broke down, and an old, yet fully functional bicycle my size appeared. It had a “free” sign on it, so I know it wasn’t just stashed there. @Playful-Collar-3247 / Reddit
  • A few years ago, as I was sitting up in bed getting ready for bed, I was looking out of my window at the sky, just thinking about life. I blinked, and suddenly the sky went from a dark hue to light blue. I blinked, and hours went by.
    I know a lot of you will probably think I just fell asleep, but keep in mind I was sitting up, so my head wasn’t even resting on anything, and I know the difference between blinking and falling asleep. @hows_my_driving1 / Reddit
  • I saw a sheep ride a llama in New Zealand. We were road-tripping and going by a llama farm. Did a double take—yeah, that’s a sheep just casually riding on the llama’s back. @Snoo_70531 / Reddit
  • When I was a teenager, I watched a full glass of water slide from one side of the table to the other while I was eating my lunch. It just went at a moderate pace as if somebody pushed it with their hand... probably about 2–3 feet distance, and then it stopped. @bad-pickle / Reddit
  • Several years ago, I was alone in my house, and my dogs were outside. I grabbed a piece of pizza from the box (I was standing, and the box was on the table, slightly lower than waist height). And as I brought it to my mouth, I turned away from the table slightly, and it slipped out of my fingers and fell.
    I never heard it land, and I never saw it again. I truly don’t know where it went. Even when I let the dogs in, they didn’t sniff around for it like they usually did when food fell on the floor. @NeedsItRough / Reddit
  • When I went to visit my grandparents in Florida, I SWEAR I saw a woman driving down the sidewalk on a motorized couch. It looked like it had wheels and some kind of engine that allowed it to move, and she was controlling it with a joystick. @JohnsonKristin / Reddit
  • I worked in a restaurant that spontaneously broke out in song and dance like a Disney movie. We were all just hanging out on a slowish shift when the bartender started singing along with the radio. People just started joining in. It was a catchy song, so some of us danced. Guests, employees, everybody just stopped what they were doing and participated.
    When it was over, we all laughed and went back to work. The best three and a half minutes I’ve ever had at work. But this was 35 years ago. No cameras. No proof. But somewhere out there, about thirty other people are telling the same story that no one believes. @Richbeyondmeasure / Reddit
  • I was in middle school, and it was summer vacation. After dinner, my dad and I decided to walk to the gas station for some snacks. It was a decently far walk since we lived in a very rural area.
    After we got maybe 1/10th of a mile from the house, I randomly decided to turn around and just saw something...floating.
    It genuinely looked like a stereotypical UFO, just silently hovering. I could barely make out some type of cockpit or viewing window that was facing us. I have no idea how else to describe this, but it had something dangling under it. It looked like a net but also didn’t. It was crazy, and it wasn’t very far away. It was maybe a half mile away, hovering directly over a trailer park.
    Anyway, I started freaking out and told my dad about it, and he froze up and just stared for a while. I asked him what we should do, and he told me to run back to the house as fast as possible and grab his binoculars while he kept his eyes on the thing.
    I did it, and as soon as I got back to him, the thing TOOK OFF vertically at an insane speed the moment he pointed the binoculars at it. I completely lost sight of it, but he was tracking it and was shouting out loud what it was doing. He said it was zig-zagging around like it was being evasive until it was too high up for him to see anymore.
    To this day I have no idea what that was, but at least my dad confirmed he saw it too, and how weird the whole thing was. We never spoke about it again. @Glittering-Damage783 / Reddit
  • I was thinking about a plumbing part I needed to purchase. Minutes later, a crow dropped a plumbing part at my feet. It wasn’t the exact part I was thinking about, but I could have made it work. @Thro-A-Weigh / Reddit
  • I once went to a cemetery looking for a specific grave. A storm was coming, and I had little time to look. A rabbit hopped past me, made eye contact, hopped to a headstone, and looked at me. I decided to just see if it was it... And it was. @mandar35 / Reddit
  • Once I was sitting with a friend on a sidewalk, and there was a goat in front of the house. My friend joked, “Can you imagine if someone steals the goat?” Not even five minutes passed, and like a scene straight out of an action movie, someone on a motorcycle swooped in and stole it. @guy_from_oz / Reddit
  • Someone tried to mug me; the thief changed his mind and returned my belongings. I handed my belongings to him again due to panic, and then he returned them to me again. It was very bizarre. I immediately called my girlfriend afterward. @Melbel53 / Reddit
  • Saw a bird literally stop in midair for a good few seconds like it was glitching or something, then it just carried on like normal. Everyone I’ve told thinks I’m making it up or misremembering, but I know what I saw. It was like something straight out of a video game lag. @inellmcala / Reddit
  • When I was a kid in the 1970s, I lived out in the boonies. We had a large house sitting on several acres of land, most of it being heavily wooded. There was a large hill in the front yard, sloping downward away from the front of the house.
    One late November, we had enough snow so that my brother and I could go sledding. I hopped onto my trusty runner sled and bolted down the hill. My brother was still at the top of the hill as I descended.
    After I came to a complete stop, I began to dig around for a mitten that fell off. I didn’t dig far until suddenly I saw light peeking out from the ground, shining upward at me. I cleared away some more snow and couldn’t believe what I saw. I could see daylight!
    Not only that, but I could see about 50 feet down and make out a couple of houses and a street—all through an 8-inch hole that I dug in my front yard. There was apparently a whole neighborhood that I could see through this hole, all below me through this tiny passage. This wasn’t an area of the country with any mountains, cliffs, or overhangs—no, this was a world that was somehow visible in a place that should have been invisible, which was within 50 feet of dirt and rock, covered in snow.
    My brother then descends down the hill on his sled as I’m sitting there stunned. I turned away for an instant to look at him, then looked back—the world I’d discovered was now gone. I could now only see dormant grass underneath the snow that I had previously cleared away.
    The next day, I sledded down the hill again and looked in the same place for the mystery neighborhood, but I never saw it again. The only person I ever told was my wife, and it was many years later. She, of course, looked at me like I was nuts, and who could blame her. @Inner_Ad5786 / Reddit
  • I was waiting for a bus when I saw this man standing by the stop, just staring at the ground. Suddenly, he crouched down, grabbed a small rock, and threw it at a nearby tree. The second it hit the tree, a woman’s voice from behind me yelled, “What the heck are you doing?”
    I turned around, but there was no one there. The man didn’t even flinch; he just stood up and walked away like nothing happened. I asked the bus driver if anyone else saw it, but she just looked at me like I was crazy and said there was nobody around. I’m still not sure if I imagined that voice or if something weird was going on. @DevsMage / Reddit
  • Communicated with a wild dolphin once, held an image of it in my mind jumping fully out of the water, sent the message over—the dolphin got real still, released a perfect bubble ring of air, then leapt up out of the water in such a way that it gave me a déjà vu because it was exactly as I had pictured it.
    Dolphin hit the water and took off. Was wild. I was on the bow of a boat at the time in the middle of the Gulf. @jeexbit / Reddit
  • In the grocery store, I thought about buying rice pudding for my 2 kids because they had never had it, and it had been ages since I had some. When I got home, my wife told me she bought rice pudding. Went to my parents’ for coffee and chill the day after, my mom made rice pudding. The universe is a funny place. @Ninkaso / Reddit
  • I was driving down a street in one of those neighborhoods with all single-story ranch homes, only separated from neighbors by the width of a driveway. Pretty dense neighborhood. No forests or meadows, or anything else anywhere close by.
    First I saw a girl running and screaming. She was younger, maybe 10-12. I thought she was just messing around. Then I saw two deer chasing her. By the time my mind registered what I was seeing, they had turned somewhere. I drove back around for a bit but didn’t see any sign of them.
    Still kinda haunts me. Middle of the day, nobody else around. Just me in my car and some girl running for her life being chased by two deer. @romafa / Reddit
  • About 14 years ago, a buddy and I were walking near this old decrepit tower in a park, and I was telling him the stories of how people had fallen off it and died, so they had to cement and block the whole thing off. I turned around to see my buddy frozen and pointing to something behind the tree, and he asked if I saw that.
    So we are both staring, and, out of nowhere, a black figure goes from behind one tree to another. So we both stop and look at each other. Keep in mind these weren’t very thick trees, either. It’s not like it would have been easy for anything to just hide behind it.
    We both go to check behind the tree, seeing nothing. So we shrug and continue, and all of a sudden, off to our right, the same thing darted to another tree. To this day, we still have no idea what it actually was. @ThisM***SoD*** / Reddit

Hungry for more goosebumps? Explore confessions so gripping that they’ve etched themselves into the minds of friends, families, and even strangers. These stories won’t just stick with you—they’ll take up permanent residence in your thoughts.

Preview photo credit DevsMage / Reddit


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