21 Childhood Pics That Can Instantly Send You Laughing

5 hours ago

Some family album photos are so cringe-worthy that they’re best kept under lock and key, only for close family eyes. But then, there are the brave souls who embrace the awkwardness and proudly share their hilariously chaotic childhood and teenage moments online, proving they’re not afraid to laugh at themselves!

“This is my wife’s favorite photo of me.”

“Looking back to my iconic fashion choices”

“Me, age 13, for 8th grade Valentine’s Dance.”

“My dad always thought this haircut looked incredible on me. My mom thought the shirt was incredible. Looking back at 2nd grade me is incredible. I’m a female.”

“It’s 2013, 14-year-old me liked Photoshop, fedoras, and space.”

“My dear Grandpa showed these to my fiancé the night before our holy matrimony.”

“I was blessed (cursed?) with a mom who believed in creative freedom for her kids. And if you’re asking yourself, ‘Is that a tie, and a necklace?’ the answer is yes.”

“My fiancée and her mom”

“Mom asked me to model for a ‘moody’ photo shoot. Peak 7th grade me.”

“My parents made a SpongeBob costume for me out of an old TV box (2001).”

“This is how I smiled because I had no top teeth.”

“Parents didn’t care what I wore as a kid on weekends (weekdays I was saved by the school uniform).”

“Glamor shots anyone? 1998”

“My 9th grade ’graduation’ in 2002. 3 months later I was in military school in Texas.”

“Around the age of 8 (2013), I briefly turned into an acorn with a face.”

“My first ever school picture. I’m told it made my mother cry.”

“My boyfriend and his mom in 1992.”

“Yes, that is my real head. No, this photo was not edited. The hairstyle is not helping me at all.”

Here I am now:

“My college rebel phase was to be the opposite of my hippy dippy parents.”

“I was 14, and I was about as insufferable as I looked.”

“Glamour Shots photo from 1994. I was 8 years old (going on 45 in this pic).”

And these bold folks took it a step further by recreating their childhood photos. The results? Absolutely hilarious! You’ve got to see this!


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