21 Happy Animals That Are Always Ready to Protect Our Good Mood

4 years ago

It turns out that you can influence your mood without any extra effort. You simply need to smile to make yourself feel happy. And we’re here to give you a few reasons to do this. Our suggestion is happy animals.

We at Bright Side believe that they can easily make you smile and put you in a good mood. So let’s not waste time and let’s start feeling happy right now.

1. Teeth make any smile brighter.

2. Melting from being held in someone’s hands.

3. “He was very happy to go on a boat ride.”

4. This is what LOL actually looks like:

5. Our first road trip made her so happy.

6. “At least someone is having a hay day!”

7. “Say hi to my happy Buddy”

8. Piggies like to laugh heartily.

9. “Recently blind but still a happy girl.”

10. “Make someone smile every day, but never forget you’re someone too!”

11. “My overly photogenic golden retriever and my Bengal trying to hold her down”

12. “I’m here to make you happy.”

13. “Told my dog a joke earlier, still laughing.”

14. “Say cheeeeeeeeeeeeese!”

15. Smile & a sploot

16. “When it’s Monday again but you’re a red panda so you can keep relaxing in your favorite spot.”

17. “One year older, same young spirit”

18. “I’m so excited to see you!”

19. “My friend’s new puppy who smiles”

20. “I said smile for the camera, but didn’t think he actually would!”

21. “Happy day, everyone!”

How do you cope with a bad mood? Do you know of any tricks to make it better? You can help others and share them in the comments.

Preview photo credit teedpop / Reddit


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