A sense of humor is like a promotion — not everybody gets it. But the ones who do may as well be warriors who brighten up our otherwise gloomy days. And in case you’re having a particularly hard day, here are some pictures that will make you feel better or at least appreciate people’s creativity.
2. “We had a local elementary school decorate paper bags for Earth Day...”
3. “My cousin’s costume — he’s a dentist, and yes, he’s at work.”
4. Take a chill pill and accept your flaws.
5. Only following the rules!
6. The most creative theft ever!
7. “Always choose the doctor with a sense of humor.”
8. “My dad just sent me this...”
9. They’ve got the “come and try me” face on.
10. “Looks like someone at my local grocery store has a decent sense of humor.”
11. “My boyfriend was too short to reach the top...”
12. “This is how my co-worker left us.”
13. Well played, Barnes and Noble.
14. As real as it gets...
15. No matter the question, chicken is always the answer.
16. “One of my mom’s ’Elf on the Shelf’ photos”
17. “This sign I found at an ice cream shop”
Which of these pictures made you chuckle the most? What’s the funniest thing you’ve ever done? Let us know in the comments below!
Please note: This article was updated in December 2022 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.