20+ Photos That Prove Nature Will Never Get Tired of Surprising Us

2 years ago

“Normality” is no longer the right way to follow. And nature clearly knows this. Natural wonders are countless. And we never get tired of seeing more and more of them. Because it’s always amazing when a bouquet can be placed in one flower or when nature gives you surprises in your dinner. If you don’t understand what we mean then you definitely should see it.

1. A baby orange in a big one

2. Tennis balls made by nature

3. This lemon prefers to stand out in a crowd.

4. This palm can walk away.

5. Lava dying in the ocean

6. A tomato giving birth to new seeds

7. Earth and sky coming together as one

8. Double banana for more potassium

9. It’s not a mutation, it’s beauty.

10. This fish has absorbed all the azure of the sea.

11. “This cocoon has stitched the fabric of my outdoor lounge together for protection.”

12. An oyster dinner with a surprise tiny pearl

13. This beauty is burning everything in its path.

14. A whole bouquet in 1 flower

15. Lake Baikal

16. This lizard knows what it means to be different.

17. A big banana for a big company

18. Marge Simpson has never been so natural.

19. Mini moon from sea glass

20. “Only the leaf skeleton remains.”

21. Nature can even paint a lotus flower black.

Which of these surprises impressed you the most? Have you ever seen something like this with your own eyes? We’d like to hear your opinions and stories in the comments.

Please note: This article was updated in January 2023 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.
Preview photo credit IVLeafClover / imgur


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Every time I see photos of lake Baikal I keep getting amazed! What a beautiful place on earth, I hope we won't destroy it


this lemon didn't want to be eaten so it grew in this shape :))


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