Sometimes strangers make our photos much more interesting than originally planned. Don’t believe us? Look at these photos where things happening in the background are way more interesting than anything else going on.
Bright Side invites you share a laugh with us as you scroll through these photos.
Beautiful girls are all over the world — and then some.
Fiona the hippo blessing this couple
Apparently, the dog is trying to get all the attention.
This woman deserves an Oscar.
This is how you can miss an epic battle happening in the background:
When you reach complete zen:
A glitch in the Matrix?
When you’re a whale but also want to pose for photos:
This background looks rather creepy.
“That’s pretty much how I look when I meet a celebrity.”
The guy in the background knows how to get attention.
“Wait, don’t start without me!”
This is what fear looks like:
Look at the cute lemur in the background! Wait...
Is it envy or admiration?
A so-so congratulations
There is no difference.
Celebrities aren’t the only ones with Hollywood smiles.
They probably were aware of what they were doing.
We hope it was a happy ending.
The girl would be extremely surprised if she looked behind her.
This man from the Monopoly game is breaking all stereotypes.
We also wonder what this guy is seeing.
Do you have any photos where the background is more captivating than the foreground? Please share them in the comments!