6 Constant Things We Subconsciously Do That Can Do More Harm Than Good

year ago

Our bodies are amazing machines that we rely on every day. However, sometimes we unknowingly do things that negatively affect our health and well-being. Let’s discuss some normalized habits that aren’t healthy for us and how to avoid them.

1. Sleeping on our right side

Many of us like to sleep on our side. However, our sides are not created equal. Sleeping on the right side sabotages the functioning of the digestive system, especially for those who struggle with heartburn.

Because our stomach is located on the left side of the body, sleeping on the left side makes connecting muscles easier between the stomach and the esophagus, or the food pipe, which helps control the acid reflux process. This is contrary to sleeping on the right, which relaxes them.

2. Wiping ash from your car

Wiping or rinsing ash off of your car can release harmful chemicals and lead to paint damage. The solution is to brush off ash with a long-handled car duster. This will remove most of the ash from your vehicle without disturbing the sensitive paint underneath it.

3. Wiping your hands with antibacterial wipes before or after eating

The use of antibacterial wipes is on the rise. However, it’s advised that you opt for the traditional hand-cleaning method using soap and water for 60 seconds.

This is because they leave a residue on the skin. Plus, they don’t wipe off all the microbes and bacteria. And since alcohol is a drying agent, it may irritate the skin too.

4. Keeping your phone inside your front pocket

Most of us have our phones with us at all times. But we might not realize that keeping our phones in the front pocket of our pants could be affecting our reproductive system.

A new study found that when men keep their phones in their front pockets, it can affect their sperm quality and quantity.

5. Trusting a smartwatch

Smartwatches are supposed to be the future. You wear them on your wrist, and they tell you how many steps you’ve taken, how many flights of stairs you’ve climbed, and how much sleep you’ve had. They can track workouts and heart rates too.

The problem is that these tools are inaccurate at measuring lower levels of energy expenditure, like walking or housework. But this doesn’t mean that they are useless. In fact, they can motivate you to stay healthy and move more. But you should always take their data with a grain of salt.

6. Drinking coffee early in the morning

Many of us enjoy a cup of coffee first thing in the morning. However, drinking coffee early in the morning can be harmful because our bodies produce high levels of cortisol at that time of day. Taking coffee during the time our bodies are producing high levels of cortisol can further increase stress hormone levels, leading to other health issues over time.

Since cortisol levels are high 3 times a day, caffeine should be consumed between 10 a.m. and noon, and between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m.

Are you guilty of any of these habits? What is the bad habit you ditched that changed your life?


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