8 Dental Care Mistakes We Make That Destroy Our Teeth Bit by Bit

2 years ago

Approximately 3.5 billion people suffer from tooth decay. We may be making everyday mistakes regarding the right care for our teeth without even knowing it. But these things lead to dental diseases and a loss of money.

We at Bright Side try to avoid making dental mistakes and would love it if we could prevent any future toothaches.

1. Ignoring a bad smell coming from your mouth

A bad smell from your mouth can signify poor hygiene or gum disease. Sometimes we don’t notice an unpleasant odor by ourselves but people who you talk to can smell it. In this case, there’s an easy way to test it:

  1. Lick the inside of your wrist.
  2. Wait 5-10 seconds
  3. Smell your wrist.

You can also swab the back of your tongue by using a finger or a piece of cotton. Try not to go too far as not to trigger your gag reflex.

2. Drinking after brushing

Yes, of course, you’re going to eat and drink after brushing your teeth in the morning. But it’s crucial that the flavor of your toothbrush should be the last flavor of the day. Even drinking tea just before sleeping can affect your teeth negatively.

3. Rinsing your teeth after brushing

After brushing your teeth, you can rinse your mouth with water. But don’t do it immediately. You might lose the toothpaste’s concentrated fluoride. The flavor of the toothbrush is intense, but soon you will get used to it.

4. Not brushing long enough

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Spending just 30 seconds on your teeth daily can hardly lead to a good result. It can cause cavities and other dental problems. There’s a rule to spend at least 30 seconds on each of the 4 quadrants of the mouth. Basically, it’s 2 minutes for the whole mouth.

5. Brushing too hard

When it comes to polishing your teeth, you may scrub them very hard. Unfortunately, by doing this you can only harm your enamel and make your teeth become sensitive. It’s also important to pick the right toothbrush that suits you. It’s best to consult with your dentist.

6. Brushing your teeth right after your meal exclusively

Please note that brushing your teeth immediately after eating may affect your enamel negatively, especially if you’ve consumed something acidic. You should avoid brushing your teeth for about 30 minutes.

7. Not changing your toothbrush

Normally, it’s recommended that you change your toothbrush every 3 months, according to researchers. Otherwise, you need to do it as soon as the bristles are frayed. In this case, your brushing will be productive and each nook and cranny will be cleaned.

8. Not changing your toothbrush when you’re sick

A toothbrush doesn’t kill bacteria in the mouth. When you’re sick, just change your brush so you won’t catch the disease later on for a second time. And make sure that the toothbrush doesn’t touch other toothbrushes in the days surrounding the time you’re ill.

Did you find any new information in this article? What other dental habits are often neglected? Please write your advice and share your experience with us!

Please note: This article was updated in July 2022 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.


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I actually only change my brush once a year, I will try doing it monthly and see if it helps


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