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8 Home Safety Hacks You Can Use to Avoid Danger
Some hacks really are lifesavers for preventing robberies and identity theft. Once we start to understand how the minds of thieves work, we can begin to change our habits to keep ourselves safe. Besides, it’s always good to have some practical safety tips up our sleeves, just to be on the safe side. Whether it’s how to put out a frying-oil fire or keep your home secure while you’re away, we’ve got your back with these tips.
We at Bright Side are big fans of simple and effective hacks to improve our quality of life and safety, and so we’re sharing some important little tricks for your security.
1. Be careful of the contact names you use.

Perhaps most of us are guilty of this one: using a pet name for our dearest in our cellphone contacts. While this is a nice way of personalizing your contacts, it can actually be quite damaging if someone gets into your phone. It is an easy way in for identity fraudsters, who can simply message your significant other and those closest to you asking for personal information. This can range from bank details to any other sensitive information.
2. Don’t leave your GPS in the car.

This tip can save you a lot of trouble by simply removing your GPS system from your car when it’s parked for a long time in a public area, like in long-term parking. This is because it’s an invitation for thieves to break into your vehicle and operate your GPS to your home, giving them the perfect opportunity for them to break into your home while you’re away.
3. Know how to safely put out a grease fire

These fires are perhaps one of the most dangerous because they burn so fast. If a grease fire starts in your pan, grab a metal lid and slide it across the top of the pan until it’s shut, and then turn off the heat. Don’t remove the lid until the pan has cooled down. If you simply place the lid on from directly above, you’ll find that when you lift it again, the flames will still be burning.
4. Sometimes placemats are safer than tablecloths.

While tablecloths can be a nice decorative feature, they can be a bit of a liability when it comes to fire safety. This is especially true if your tablecloth is highly flammable, and you’re placing candles on it, like for a dinner party. The problem is that if a child, pet, or clumsy guest knocks the candle over you may have a difficult situation on your hands.
5. Avoid leaving empty boxes from expensive products outside your house.

This is perhaps less obvious and something some of us are guilty of doing, unaware that it’s an invitation for thieves to suss out houses to rob. It is effectively an open advertisement of what you have in your home and an indication of how expensive your belongings are. Instead, try to remove them from outside your home by taking them directly to a recycling plant or putting them out when the trash collectors pass.
6. Train your dog to recognize a fire or smoke alarm.

This is an important one for dog owners because it’s so simple but very effective. All you have to do is make sure that every time your smoke alarm goes off, you train your dog to find you before rewarding it with a treat. This means that in the case of a house fire, your dog will automatically run to you, keeping both of you safe.
7. Don’t leave old newspapers on your doorstep.

This simple action can save you a lot of worry and cost, as it is a safety step against home burglars who are looking for their next victim. A pile of outdated newspapers and deliveries signals how long the house has been empty for and that it’s probably still empty. Instead, make an agreement with your neighbors to watch each other’s homes while away and to collect anything that’s been delivered.
8. Don’t leave a voice message to say you’re on vacation.

Again, this is simply an advert for people who are looking for homes that are less secure and open for burgling. Instead of updating your cell or home phone voicemail to say you’re away, simply keep it vague and non-descriptive with something like: “I am not available at the moment. Please call back later.” This will prevent thieves from calling around to homes and discovering you’re away, and your home is empty.
What safety measure do you take when you go on vacation? Have you tried any of these tips? What would you add to the top of the list?

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