WOW😲! It's amazing.
8 Mysterious Little Things on Planes That Are Very Important for Your Safety
Traveling by plane is probably the safest way of transport, and there are very good reasons for that. Plane accidents are very rare compared to other types of crashes. And that’s because a plane features countless safety measures that we may not even be aware of. The oxygen masks and seatbelts are only the beginning of the precautionary measures that the aviation industry has set for us.
Bright Side would like to shed some light on 8 unknown airplane features that will astonish you.
1. The small triangle stickers above certain seats
Typically black or red in color, these little triangles are perfectly aligned with the wings outside the plane. That’s why if the flight crew needs to check on the wings, they will know which spot is best for them to do this task. The view from these windows focuses straight on the wings so flight attendants won’t need to bother any passengers. This means that the view for whoever is sitting in these seats will be breathtaking.
2. The overhead compartment features a handrail.
There is a reason why sometimes flight attendants walk to the back and front of the plane with their hands on the overhead compartments. That’s because, at the bottom of them, there is a handrail that helps them keep their balance. This handrail should also be used by passengers who want to get up so they don’t grab the seat in front of them. So now you know what to do next time you need to hold on to keep your balance.
3. There is a button that lifts your armrest.
If you’re seated in the aisle seat and are in desperate need of some space, then this button will save your trip. If you reach under your armrest, you may find a small button or lever that will move the armrest upward. Not all planes have this feature, but you should definitely try to find it if you’re in need of extra space. However, if you move your armrest, the flight attendants will ask you to put it down during takeoff and landing for safety reasons.
4. Your seat is fireproof.
For decades now, the FAA has made a rule that everything inside a passenger plane needs to be made from fireproof materials. In the case of seat cushions, sometimes they’re completely self-extinguishing. This means that even if they come in close contact with fire, they will not burn and therefore, will extinguish the fire by themselves.
5. They carry zip ties instead of handcuffs.
Zip ties or tuff ties are what flight crews are legally allowed to use in case they need to restrain a passenger. This is an extreme measure that they will enforce in case someone is out of control. For example, one passenger was once handcuffed after he tried to open the cockpit door and then hit a flight attendant. The man was kept in his restraints until the plane landed and the police arrested him.
6. The small yellow hook on the wings has a purpose.
In cases of emergency landings, passengers seated in the middle of the plane may have to exit through the emergency doors. However, it’s too high and dangerous for them to jump to the ground. That’s why flight attendants will attach a rope from the door and through these hooks. This way, everyone can safely exit the plane without falling to the ground and possibly hurting themselves.
7. The panel over your head is full of chemicals.
Airplanes don’t carry oxygen tanks to supply passengers in the unfortunate event of a loss in pressure. Instead, above every seat lies a concoction of chemicals that creates oxygen when burned. If you’ve ever worn an airplane oxygen mask and it smelled like it was burning, it was the chemicals creating the oxygen. You should also know that it only creates enough oxygen for you to breathe for a few minutes until the pilot takes the plane to a lower altitude.
8. They have horns.
Yes, planes do have a horn that can be found on the instrument panel in the cockpit and, if pressed, sounds like a steamboat. However, the horn is turned off during flights since pilots only use it on the ground as a communication signal. They have different sirens that indicate different problems so that the mechanics on the ground know what’s wrong.
Do you feel even safer now that you know about all these extra safety features that a plane has ensured for you?
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