9 Famous Women Who Have the Most Beautiful Body According to Science

We all know a friend who boasts, “I manage to work, take care of my kids, and keep my toilet spotless. I don’t get why you can’t iron the bed covers and find time to visit the salon.” But we have to accept: no one has the authority to criticize others for their personal choices. Sadly, many women still feel the need to justify perfectly normal things.
Women have 30% of their skin with dark hair on it. But many people get rid of such hair, even if it’s hardly visible, because of the beauty standards imposed by culture.
Eva Mendes, who shaves her face on a regular basis, claimed that it makes it smoother. It’s a personal choice whether to keep or remove hair. How can one criticize their choice?
A double chin does not mean you are overweight. It can show up as you get older or because of your genes. Many celebrities are relaxed about it, and we should learn to love ourselves and others the way we are.
We all remember how amazing Kate Middleton looked after having her third child. But a woman’s body changes a lot after giving birth, the skin loosens, and stretch marks appear on it. That’s natural.
And why should it matter how many stretch marks are on the belly, if this woman brought a new person into the world? Many celebrities, for example, are not ashamed of such “flaws” and confidently post pictures without filters online.
There are celebs who don’t wear makeup not only in their normal life but even for the Oscars. And there are those who don’t post selfies without full makeup. Everyone is different, so why judge them?
Gone are the days when flawless porcelain skin was the trend. Our skin is alive, and it changes due to internal processes and external factors. Even a Hollywood star can get a sudden pimple, that’s normal.
Some women judge pregnant women who, in their view, have a small belly. They act as if they are doubting them or simply comparing them with themselves (“I had a normal big belly at this stage”). In reality, if the doctor says that the pregnancy is going well, a small belly even in the second trimester is normal. Just like a big belly at any stage.
Hair grows on your toes, too. Some people like to shave them off, while others don’t mind the hairs at all. For example, a popular blogger in response to the caustic comment “Shouldn’t you shave your toes?” posted a picture of her feet. She wrote the word “No” on her toenails.
Some women are criticized for being flat and others are shamed for their large bust. You can never satisfy such critics. But do you even need to try?
Natalie Portman said that she was only 13 years old when the media started to mock her shape. Keira Knightley was photoshopped into a bigger bust without her consent. Salma Hayek’s measurements also bother many people. The conclusion is simple — it’s better not to stress and just love your body.
Tall people often have big feet; no need to be embarrassed by them. It is better to follow the stars’ example. Heidi Klum has around size 11 feet, but it doesn’t stop her from having 2,000 pairs of stylish shoes, which she dreams of passing on to her daughters.
Of course, this is not a complete list. We think that it’s about time to accept the normality of arm folds or Venus rings, and to quit vilifying certain aspects of appearance altogether.