A Father Responds to People Trolling Him for Kissing 5-Year-Old Son

Family & kids
10 months ago

Being loved unconditionally plays a crucial role in a child’s emotional and psychological development. However, how we express our affection to our children can differ based on our family backgrounds and upbringing.

This dad’s affection for his son is beyond words.

A caring father has spoken out against individuals on social media who criticized him for kissing his five-year-old on the lips.

Everything started when Tom shared a brief peck with his little one in a video discussing their eye color.

The overwhelming majority of people were supportive of the affectionate father.

  • He’s handsome, you keep showing him your love, not all daddies got the chance to tell their child they love them or kiss them. — stellawales1
  • Ahh, he’s gorgeous, l think it’s because they’re blue. l get told all the time that my eyes are really blue, your boy is gonna be a heartbreaker. — debbiehennessy
  • That is soooo ridiculous...and I work in a dentist. Carry on being the loving dad you are... son is so cute. — kathtiquin
  • Your junior is just as attractive as you and yes you kiss him as much as you like. — avto9018
  • The only offensive thing here is your eyes, you’re a dad being a loving dad...wish I had one at that age. — beckyfyfield598

Obviously, there were a few people who had to criticize them.

He expressed his concern towards the viewers who were bothered by it. He stated, “I will kiss my son, my five-year-old child, on the lips for as long as I deem necessary and as long as he lets me, right, ’cause I love him to bits, and he’s my best pal.”

He also explained that one day his son probably won’t need this type of affection from him anymore, so for now he’s going to enjoy his son’s love for as long as possible.

Someone made a strange comment saying that if you kiss your child on the lips, and you have cavities, you can pass on bacteria and make your child more likely to get cavities too.

The father was amazed by this silly question. In the video, Roman, the son, joined him and said, “Don’t be silly,” while joyfully laughing.

The two’s bond is truly an exceptional thing which is very rare nowadays.

In all of Tom’s videos, all we can see is the true affection and love he has for his 5-year-old son. And as we can see, this feeling is mutual.

Celebrities like David Beckham also take part in kissing their children on the lips. Although they also receive criticism for this practice, many parents see it as a harmless way to express affection.

Preview photo credit tom_leeds / TikTok


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