A Missing Girl Was Found in the Woods by a Thermal Drone; Rescue Caught on Video Impressed People

5 hours ago

A 10-year-old girl who went missing from her home near Shreveport, Louisiana, was safely found and reunited with her family, thanks to the innovative use of a thermal imaging drone. The footage caused a stir online.

The young girl, Peyton Saintignan, disappeared after sleepwalking into the nearby woods. According to the Webster Parish Sheriff’s Office, Peyton had gone missing at around 10 p.m., and her family and neighbors had already been searching for an hour before alerting authorities.

“Upon receiving the call, we immediately began coordinating a search effort,” explained Webster Parish Sheriff Jason Parker. The Louisiana State Police and hundreds of volunteers joined forces in the operation, with local residents and officials working together to comb the forest.

One of the key individuals involved was drone operator Josh Klober, who traveled from Arkansas, about 40 miles away, to assist in the search. Klober, co-owner of Drone Management Services LLC, brought along a drone equipped with a thermal imaging camera. This advanced technology proved crucial in locating Peyton, as it allowed searchers to detect body heat in areas obscured by dense woods.

Additionally, a trail camera used by hunters provided an image of Peyton, further aiding in her recovery. “We set up our equipment, including a generator and a flat-screen TV, to monitor the drone footage,” Klober told Good Morning America.

At around 11 p.m., roughly 1.5 miles from her home, Klober spotted a figure matching Peyton’s description, lying on the ground in the woods. Despite missing a shoe, Peyton was found curled up in her purple and white pajamas. The image captured through the drone’s thermal camera sent a wave of relief through the search team.

Soon after, a member of the search party, who happened to be the father of Peyton’s best friend, reached her and gently woke her up. To everyone’s relief, she was found unharmed aside from a few mosquito bites. Sheriff Parker described her condition as “perfect” and expressed how miraculous it was that she sustained no serious injuries.

Peyton’s family explained that she has a history of sleepwalking but has never wandered off as far as the woods before. After being assessed by first responders and Child Protective Services, she was cleared to return home.

After the news was shared on the internet, people quickly reacted with relief and awe. “It makes me so happy she was found,” said one user, while another gasped, “I can only imagine the tears in the eyes of the police that saw this image on their drone.”

This remarkable rescue, made possible by the combination of community effort and modern technology, highlights the crucial role that drones can play in search and rescue operations, particularly in challenging environments like dense forests. Peyton’s safe return stands as a testament to the dedication of the volunteers and the effectiveness of thermal imaging in critical situations.


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