A Photographer Travels to Faraway Places to Show Landscapes Very Few Have Ever Seen Before

5 years ago

Originally a landscape painter, photographer Benjamin Everett, known as BeJamin, explores the connection between painting and photography, creating his own photography style. He took photography to a different level and his creativity paid off: in 2018, he has won the Hasselblad Masters competition in the landscape category for his extraordinary photo art.

We at Bright Side selected some very special photos to show this incredible talent.

1. “Each image represents a highly personal reaction to the landscape.”

2. “It’s an inquiry into a specific idea or feeling, drawn out of a singular time.”

3. “Oh North skies,
My heart sings with warmth,
Wearing three parkas”

4. “Each of my images is an innovative collaboration with these places.”

5. “It was a stormy night, and I was feeling restless. Time to go exploring.”

6. “Appearance is just part of the experience.”

7. Spiral Jetty is an earthwork sculpture constructed in April 1970.

8. “That great place where the floor is fertile, the walls are meant to be climbed, and the ceiling is infinite.”

9. “Since both photography and painting come with assumptions about how they represent truth or reality, their combination explores a landscape somewhere between the 2.”

10. “There is a time of year when the temperature finds a certain degree, the sun slowly melts, and all clocks lose synchronicity. We don’t go to other moments, they come to us.”

11. “Sunrise can be quite a show with a cozy audience.”

12. “My goal was to explore the relationship between painting and photography by using landforms that often look like brush strokes.”

13. “When faced with seemingly insurmountable obstacles, the way forward, no matter how daunting, is always the same. Honor the problem. Focus on solutions.”

14. Cut the engine and drift ashore.

15. Reaching the stars

16. “Balancing and bouncing between 2 oceans of sea and sky.”

17. “Sometimes a wandering trip through nowhere is more fulfilling than a path to somewhere.”

18. “There is an interesting contrast between adventures that require clarity and presence of mind and those that leave room for the imagination to grapple with its own uncharted regions.”

19. “I don’t think about style much, but most of my influence comes from painting.”

20. “Following emotion over literal reality could be from expressionism.”

21. “Following the heroic depiction of nature is from romanticism.”

22. “Showing the interest in light could be from impressionism.”

23. “Showing multiple perspectives or moments in time, within one frame, could be like cubism.”

24. “Breaking any rules about photography or single-frame restrictions would be modernist.”

25. “The camera is a joy to use, and the image quality is incredible.”

Did you like our collection? Or maybe you also love landscape photography and have some pictures which would fit into this selection. If so, share your photos with us in the comments section below!


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