A Single Father Dresses as a Mom to Attend a Mother’s Day School Event for His Adopted Daughter

On Mother’s Day in Thailand, an adoptive father lovingly dressed up as a mother to celebrate and honor his child. Let’s take a look at their story.

Ban Noen Kroi School organized a special event to celebrate Thailand’s Mother’s Day, inviting students and their mothers. Joe Lookphonbodee stood out by attending the event dressed as a mom. He did so to ensure that the seat reserved for his adopted kid’s mother would not remain vacant and to honor the occasion’s significance.

“When the school organizes Mother’s Day activities, I don’t want my child to have an inferiority complex... Personally, I’m not ashamed because I love my child,” said Joe.

Joe shared a video of the occasion, and it instantly went viral, with lovely comments defending his decision. “What a great blessing for this relationship! You both deserve the best, best dad,” said one user.

His daughter, Cream, loved the surprise, saying, “I don’t feel embarrassed. This year’s Mother’s Day, I want to say I love my father. Thank you, Dad, for raising me and making me happy.”

When you welcome a child in need into your home, you consciously provide ongoing support and care in their everyday routine. This commitment offers the rewarding experience of being essential, cherished, and esteemed. Research indicates that acts of assistance and care create a sense of fulfillment and contribute to a longer and healthier life.


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