A Tricky Picture Test That Will Show How Good Your Logic Is

3 years ago

Have you ever wanted to act like Sherlock Holmes? Our lives don’t usually offer us a lot of opportunities to play detective unless we need to find a missing scarf at home or a mug at work that has suddenly disappeared. But it’s definitely tempting to test what our brains are capable of.

At Bright Side, we’ve created 10 picture puzzles that will test your logic and attentiveness. Do you have the detective spirit in you? It’s time to find out! You’ll find all the answers at the end of the article. A tricky bonus feature will be waiting for you there too.

1. Let’s start with a simple warmup: look at this picture.

2 hunters have been hunting a deer. It showed up in the woods before and then suddenly disappeared. The hunters ran after it but lost it. However, the deer isn’t far away. Can you find it?

2. This one is a bit more complicated. The encounter:

friends have run into each other in the street.

“Hey, Alice. Where are you going,” asked Jane.

“I’m going to house number 23,” Alice said. “Where are you going, Jane?”

“I’m visiting Sarah, she lives in house number 7,” Jane replied.

Answer this:

1. Which one is Jane, and which one is Alice?

2. Where is the girl with the bob hairstyle going to?

3. Which girl is the owner of the cat?

There are 3 girls in the picture: Helen, Maria, and Irene. All the girls have been playing with the cat. But which one of them is its owner?

4. The kids on a walking trip

There are 5 children. One of them is Mike and he’s standing first in line. If Olivia was walking near Max, Alex would be side by side with his namesake. The question is, who is walking where?

5. The old ladies with watering cans

2 old ladies have come to the river to get some water for their gardens. Which of them will bring more water?

6. Which direction is the train heading in?

You see the railway section of the Paris-Frankfurt line. The direction of the railroad corresponds to the direction of the arrow above which points both west and east. Look at the picture and answer the following:

1. Where’s the train going: from Paris to Frankfurt or vice versa?

2. What is the girl’s profession?

7. This task is even more complicated. Find all the mistakes in the picture. There are 16 of them.

Look for smaller details and you’ll succeed!

8. Life in post-apocalyptic reality

Look at this picture and answer the following questions:

1. How many people live in the camp?

2. How long have they been living in this place?

3. How deep is the river?

4. There are 4 men in the picture. What is each of them doing?

5. Who else has survived the apocalypse?

6. Is the front of the boat looking upstream or downstream?

9. The father and the son

Look at this picture and answer the questions.

1. What’s the father’s profession?

2. Are there more children in this family?

3. What year is the situation in the picture taking place?

10. Now is the most complicated task: find 8 differences between these 2 pictures.

The answers

1. The hapless hunters

Look at the right part of the picture. Can you see the deer hiding in the trees?

2. The encounter

1. Alice is the girl with a bob hairstyle. Why? Pay attention to the house number behind her. It’s 19. Odd numbers are usually on the left side. The girl with a bob is walking in the direction of the houses with bigger numbers. 23 is bigger than 19, thus it’s Alice.

2. Alice is going to her acting classes. Where else would one need a violin, a sword, and a scepter at the same time?

3. The cat

The owner of the cat is the girl whose tights are torn in the front. The girl to her right who has a snag on the back of her tights probably got it while sitting in a chair. The cat could have done it too but it’s less feasible than the first option.

4. Kids on a walking trip

Here they are from left to right: Mike, Max, Alex, Olivia, and Alex.

5. The old ladies with watering cans

The watering can of the lady on the left is bigger. But the spouts of both watering cans are on the same level. According to the physical law of communicating vessels, the level of water can’t be higher than a spout. So, the old ladies will bring the same amount of water to their gardens.

6. The Paris-Frankfurt Train

1. The snow hasn’t melted yet, and it always lies on the northern slope. This means that the train moves from west to east, or from Paris to Frankfurt.

2. The girl is holding a staff and there’s a dog by her side. She’s probably a shepherd.

7. The picture with a farm

1. There is no such house number as 0.

2. The wind is blowing in different directions: the smoke from the chimney is going one way while the trees are bending the other way.

3. The season can’t be defined. There are trees with leaves and there are trees without them.

4. The horse has a saddle but doesn’t have a collar.

5. The horse is plowing in the direction of the ploughed up land.

6. The horse is plowing by itself. There’s no farmer to handle the plough.

7. The house has a porch but no door.

8. The curtains are on the outside of the windows.

9. The pine tree has a branch from another tree.

10. The girl’s shadow is pointing one way and the dog’s shadow is pointing the other way.

11. The shadow of the house has neither a roof or a chimney.

12. The gate has 5 vertical planks but its shadow has only 4.

13. The cart with hay in the background is much higher than the woman.

14. Stars can be seen in the middle of the day.

15. One of the sheep is lacking a leg.

16. The tree leaves on the birch don’t look like birch leaves but rather, juniper leaves.

8. Post-Apocalypse

1. If you look at the list on the tree, you’ll see that there are 6 people.

2. A spider has woven a web near the tent. This means that they’ve stayed for at least a few days there.

3. The man on the boat is measuring the depth with a pole. This means the river isn’t really deep.

4. 2 men are having lunch, the third one is measuring the depth of the river, and the fourth one is fishing.

5. At least the snail, the spider, and the birds have survived.

6. Judging by the way the water is moving around the front of the boat, it’s looking upstream.

9. The father and the son

1. You can see DJ equipment in the corner of the room and the father looks like a hipster. This means his profession is a DJ.

2. There’s a cradle in the room and toys are scattered around the sofa and they don’t look like a boy’s toys. This means that the family has a small baby and a girl aged 5-7 years old.

3. There is a brand new spinner in a box lying on the table. This means it’s 2017.

10. The hen and the spider

We hope you’ve guessed that the number of differences is the same as the number of legs of the spider.

Bonus: Find the mistake in this picture.

Have you found it? Share your answer in the comments below.


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#2 is making an assumption, that the house with #19 is actually on the left side, and that the house next to it in front of Alice would actually be a larger number. It also makes the assumption that the house is on the left side of the viewer, when it could be on the right side of the viewer. Therefore, more information really needs to be available before you can choose which direction the numbers are going according to the picture. The choice for where the girl Alice is going is a good one, however.
#3 I don't agree. I believe it would be more logical for the girl with the leggings to be the cat owner, as she would KNOW not to wear stockings around a cat. I KNOW cats, LOL - I have cats, and I woud never deliberately play with any of my furrballs while in stocking hose! The girl that has the run in the front likely got it from the cat, yes, but only because she didn't know any better than to play with cats when you have hose on.
For #5, you've got it ALL wrong. I actually took an image to prove it, The old lady on the right in the picture has the watering can that will hold more water, simply because the spout of her can is higher from the bottom of the can than the spout of the other old lady's can. Look at the image below. Proof positive, right there.
On image #7, for mistake #13, one of the "mistakes" you list is: "the cart with hay in the background is much higher than the woman." This isn't a mistake, it simply means the cart isn't very heavy (hay doesn't weigh that much when not baled), so it doesn't need to be tiny for her to move it. After all, women who are active like a farmer would certainly be able to move something much heavier than a woman who, for example, does paperwork all day long.
For #8, you could also assume that the fish have survived, as they are definitely eating something, and someone is definitely fishing, so they likely have already learned the fish are still there. Otherwise, one would assume they would have already learned there were no fish left, so they wouldn't be bothering with fishing. They have been there at least long enough to have discovered that, one way or another.

On #9, you claim the father "looks like a hipster," when no, he really doesn't. Besides, that type of person would not, by any means, be the only kind that might be a DJ. On top of that, the electric organ in the room would not be something a DJ would need, so likely he is a member of a band, and what you consider "DJ equipment" is simply part of what the band uses to make their music ("scratching records," etc.), along with the organ. As well, you made a sexist mistake, stating "they don’t look like a boy’s toys." You don't know that, at all. Now, you MIGHT guess that the toys are a little on the young side for them to be the visible boy's toys. But then, you could also guess that the stuffed animals belong to the child who rides in the baby carriage, as well. Therefore, you could only state that there are at LEAST two children that live there (or stay there regularly), and *potentially* another one.

Wow, that's not too good a job you did with these, is it?
Oh, and as for the final series of numbers, 3 of them aren't matched with other colors, while the other 6 are each in pairs, with 2 of each number in the same color. You could easily call that a mistake. You could say 4 is the only one that's yellow, and the others are all shades of either red or green. Or you could simply point out that normally, this particular question always has either one or another word duplicated in the question itself, as in "can you spot the the mistake here?" or "can you spot spot the mistake here?" or "can you see the the mistake here?" and yours doesn't have any of those errors that the other, nearly duplicate questions have. THAT seems to be the real mistake on this last one. I am sharing a pic to show you what your puzzle should have looked like, combined with the proof from #5.

Comment with image on Bright Side

Well, I thought the mistake for the bonus was that there was nothing wrong with it.
Also, for number 4, the answer it provides isn't the only solution. There is another solution, and it's like this: Mike, Alex, Alex, Olivia, Max.


I think the mistake in the last picture is the word MISTAKE...... ? because it just ask can you find mistake.


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