A Viral Video of a Woman Eating a Banana With CUTLERY Sparks a Heated Discussion

7 months ago

There are several life hacks that we didn’t even know existed. Some come as a pleasant surprise and turn out to be very useful. Others can become a source for jokes. Recently, a video of a woman teaching how to eat a banana with a fork and knife became viral for the wrong reasons.

In a video shared on Twitter, a woman is seated at a table in a seaside restaurant. In front of her lies a solitary banana on a plate. She proceeds to explain that there are specific rules and customs for eating a banana in certain parts of the world due to its exotic and high-value status.

The lady exemplifies that in Panama and in Latin countries, people get bananas at very low prices and tend to eat them in a more informal way, by peeling off the banana peel. But the tutorial, she explains, is for the audience to be prepared. If the opportunity arises, and you have to eat a banana in a formal way, she teaches how to do it.

To start, we need to cut off the ends. Then, we proceed to make a complete cut to be able to remove the peel. Finally, the woman points out that “all that remains is to cut each bite.”

Like many others before, the video has taken the internet by storm, showcasing the power of social media to turn everyday moments into viral sensations.

The reactions show people shocked by the tutorial. “I would never have even thought that bananas could be eaten in such an elegant way,” said one user. While others pointed out that fancy restaurants wouldn’t serve bananas with the skin. “I have never been served, in any restaurant I have visited (and there have been many), a banana with its peel. If they did, I certainly wouldn’t come back,” said Miguel de la Cruz.

Luckily for us, several life hacks are actually functional. And you can check some of them here.

Preview photo credit EsdeProfugos / Twitter


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