A Wildlife Foundation Lets Us See How a Young Chimp Is Growing and Learning, and He’s Adorbs

2 years ago

The Zoological Wildlife Foundation, located in Miami, FL, is home to many amazing animals, and one of them is a young chimpanzee named Limbani. Thanks to the kind-hearted people, who are taking care of Limbani and who share the pictures and videos of him with the world, we can see almost every stage of him growing and learning. Just like any child, Limbani gets to know the world better by seeing, hearing, touching, and tasting it, and sometimes it’s hilarious.

Here at Bright Side we’ve picked some photos and videos of Limbani for you that capture the precious moments of his life, and we hope this collection will put a big smile on your face!

Who knew taking a bath could look so emotional!

This tub is probably too small for Limbani, but he looks happy enjoying the bubbles.

Hey bro, do you wanna play ball?

Limbani makes friends with a baby pig.

“Limbani’s precious face when he is getting tickled!”

Just chilling out in a cozy bed

“Turn the volume up to hear Limbani’s first single!”

Limbani’s enjoying a slice of his favorite vegan pizza.

We don’t know anyone who would eat a mandarin in such a cute way.

Hello? Limbani speaking.

The last drops are always the tastiest.

Learning to tie shoes is a tough challenge for any kid.

Here’s what Limbani looked like when he was a little baby.

He’s just 19 days old in this video.

We don’t know if it’s in his eyes or in his smile, but we fell in love... How about you?

Check out Limbani’s Instagram profile to see more cute and funny videos and pics. And if you want to learn more about the Zoological Wildlife Foundation, you can visit their website or their Facebook and Instagram pages.

Did Limbani manage to win your heart? What is the most unusual animal you’ve seen in real life? If you have a picture of it to share, we’d be glad to see it in the comments!


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