A Woman Files for Divorce After Learning Husband Calls Her “SWMBO” in Texts to Friends

Divorce can be a painful and sad affair, and while some couples decide to part ways because of a mutual wish, some separations still can be caused by just one partner. Infidelity, lack of trust, poor communication may be the main reasons why couples divorce, but for one woman, it was a hurtful nickname her spouse used behind her back that made her say, “I do” to divorce.

A seemingly ordinary day became a breaking point in the woman’s marriage.

One woman, writing an anonymous post, revealed how one usual day resulted in an ultimate end in her marriage. Their son was 2 years old at that time, and the woman just didn’t see it coming.

Though, in her post she admits that she should have, saying, “From the moment our son was born, nothing changed for my husband. He absolutely hated telling me what his plans were.” She described her husband’s “stubborn reluctance to tell us when he was going to participate in our lives.”

Curiosity seized her one morning when her husband’s phone produced non-stop sounds as he was in the shower. She had a wish to check if there wasn’t anything urgent, and picked up the phone only to see a group chat where her husband and his pals were planning a night out.

She discovered that her husband had turned down his friends’ invitation for going out. Her spouse blamed it on her, but even this wasn’t the crux of the issue. In one of his messages, he wrote, “Don’t think I can make it tonight. SWMBO will say no.”

The nickname turned out to be very hurtful for the appalled woman.

The woman was bemused and had a reasonable question about what did ‘SWMBO’ mean. She supposed it alluded to her, but wanted to know its meaning.

She wrote, “And also — he hadn’t asked me about that night, so I was annoyed he’d blamed it on me. I went into the bathroom with the phone and asked my husband what ‘SWMBO’ meant. He wasn’t mad I’d looked at his phone. He was totally unmoved by having to explain the message to me.” “It means ‘She Who Must Be Obeyed’,” he said, casually.

The woman wrote, “I felt like I’d been slapped in the face.” She explained her reaction, saying, “It wasn’t a matter of ‘obeying’ me, or asking my permission, as he often complained. It’s not called ‘asking permission’ like he’s a teenager, and I’m his mother. It’s called respect. Courtesy in checking to see if you’re needed — to say what your plans are. Otherwise, how is that a family?”

And here’s yet another fascinating relationship article, that tells about a woman who used a tampon that she found in her boyfriend’s room to find out if he was cheating on her.

Preview photo credit Jesus Santos / Unsplash


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