If you think playing with dolls is in a children-only territory, this artist from Ukraine is about to prove you wrong. With a solid fan base on her Instagram account, Anastasia has the ability to sculpt human features, almost to perfection, and combines them with vividly detailed dresses, hairstyles, and tiny adornments.
Here at Bright Side, we’re stunned with the beauty and delicacy behind her work and want to share these mesmerizing dolls with you.
1. Tell us they don’t look like real models in a fashion magazine...
2. “So soft, dreamy, and romantic!”
4. “I didn’t even realize it was a doll.”
5. The artist has a list of main characters and customizes their hair and clothing. This is Lilith.
6. The different photo scenarios also help her to create a realistic feeling. Look at these tiny, detailed furniture pieces!
7. We didn’t think angels were real until we saw this.
8. The perfect bridal gown belongs to this doll.
9. “My jaw literally just dropped! Looking at that face truly takes my breath away!”
10. This is what fairy tales would look like if they were real.
11. In case you were still wondering if these were real people, here’s a behind-the-scenes photo.
12. Blonde or brunette, we can’t decide which one is more perfect.
13. Wait, is this a tiny forest scenario? We can’t handle it.
14. If you want a more gothic look, here you go.
15. Even we can’t pose as gracefully as this doll right now!
16. Yep, they look good in red too.
17. A close-up so we all can see the facial details.
18. This could easily be a screenshot from a movie.
19. “I think she’s looking into my soul right now.”
20. We bet your old Barbie dolls couldn’t fold their legs like this one can.
22. “This mysterious atmosphere is what I like the most in doll photography.”
23. “If I wore a purple wig, would I be as pretty as this doll?”
24. Casually hanging on the sofa while posing for the camera
What was your favorite toy when you were a kid?