An Unsuspecting Woman Gives Birth in the Shower Despite a Negative Test and Regular Periods

Family & kids
7 months ago

The signs of pregnancy are the thing that probably every woman knows about. Dimitty Bonnett isn’t an exception, as she already had 2 kids, and went through pregnancy and childbirth twice. But the mom of two actually had no idea she was pregnant and was even surprised after giving birth to her third baby, all alone in the shower. And this is her story, that has become shocking to many people.

A mom of two had no idea she was pregnant.

Dimitty Bonnet experienced a mysterious case that happened to her against all odds. The young woman was left dumbfounded and speechless when one day she felt the sudden urge to push right the shower in her house. Dimitty literally was catching the newborn baby’s head between her legs.

She and her husband Jason had stopped trying for a baby after giving birth to their two kids. The woman thought her extra weight was a natural cause of piling on extra pounds because of her lifestyle. Dimitty also had regular periods and the woman had even done a pregnancy test a few weeks before the miraculous birth, and the test was negative.

Dimitty was very surprised by the fact that she was literally giving birth.

“My weight has fluctuated my whole life, so I didn’t think anything of it when I put on a few pounds,” she said. “I assumed it was just a bit of extra weight, and it was nothing too noticeable,” says Dimitty.

“I’d flown on a plane a month before, and even had an x-ray after a rugby injury six weeks before I gave birth,” she adds.

So, the woman really had no idea that something was wrong until she started feeling “a bit off” in her stomach the day before she gave birth.

Luckily, the story has a happy end.

“I woke up around 1am and felt so uncomfortable. It was like I really needed the toilet, but I wasn’t able to go. The pain started to get worse, so I decided to have a shower to make myself feel better. I didn’t want to wake my husband, so I kept the light off and showered in the dark. I felt a sudden urge to push, and the next thing I knew, I was holding a baby’s head,” recalls Dimitty.

Despite all her shock and a feeling of deep confusion, Dimitty sat down on the floor and made a final push. Then, her baby was born early in the morning. Then, the mom and the baby were monitored in the hospital for 24 hours.

The baby boy was named Harvey Eric Barry Timmins. He weighed 6lbs 8oz.

And here’s yet another fascinating story about a 72-year-old mom, who gave birth to her first baby despite doctors saying “She is too old”.


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