Those three girls look like witches from a Disney movie ??
Canadians Compete for a Best Frozen Hairdo Award, and Here Are the 20 Best Shots of It
Every winter since 2011, people from all over the world head to Canada and do crazy things there. They jump into water when it’s freakishly cold outside, then they let their wet hair freeze until it becomes pure white, and then they take photos. And their motivation is pretty simple — they want to take part in the Hair Freezing Contest, win a prize that includes (but is not at all limited to) hair that looks like a pack of instant noodles, and just have fun.
We at Bright Side know that 5 finalists have already been selected and the last stage of voting is going on. Try to guess the rank of these finalists and see if you’re right at the end of the article.
The competition doesn’t have any set dates. The only condition is that the weather has to be cold enough to let people’s hair freeze, which is usually below −4°F. For example, the current contest started on December 20, 2019. And people sent their photos in until March 8.
The first competitions were pretty humble. There were no more than a few dozen participants each year, with a prize of $100 for the most creative hairdo. This year, the winner will get $2,000.
The organizers suggest that participants periodically dip their ears in the water to keep them warm, while their hair slowly freezes.
There are 5 nominations — Best Male, Best Female, Most Creative, Best Group, and People’s Choice.
Here are the numbers of 5 finalists: 20, 16, 14, 12, 4.
Do you agree with the choices above? Which photos would you choose? Give us 3 numbers.
Russia during winter times... That's "COLD"! Hair frozen on a daily basis ?
number 10 took it to the next level
I like 9! really funny how she added that brush

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