Cher Reveals Her Secrets to Staying Youthful, and They’re Unexpected

7 months ago

In a recent appearance on Good Morning Britain, the iconic superstar Cher, who is now 77 years young, opened up about her secrets to maintaining her youthful spirit and style. Cher’s insights are not just reserved for the rich and famous; they are pearls of wisdom that anyone can incorporate into their lives to turn back the clock.

LP/Coleman Rayner/East News

Cher expressed her disbelief at the thought of turning 80 someday, remarking that it’s approaching faster than she’d like. However, she confidently stated that she has no plans to part ways with her beloved jeans and long hair anytime soon. In her own words, she’ll continue doing the things she’s always done because she genuinely feels as youthful as ever.

Cinema Publishers Collection/ The Hollywood Archive/Photoshot/East News, Chris Pizzello/Invision/East News

“I remember when my friend Paulette and I were talking about when we were going to have to cut our hair and stop wearing jeans, because it seemed like in those days that’s what women did — and it hasn’t hit yet,” Cher recalls.


Cher attributed some of her eternal youthfulness to her remarkable family genes, proudly mentioning her mother, Georgia, who lived to the ripe age of 96. She pondered whether feeling young at heart contributes to looking and staying younger. Cher also revealed that she stays in touch with the latest trends, surrounded by both young and old friends, embracing her authentic self without attempting to be someone she’s not.

Album Online/East News, KGC-502/STAR MAX/IPx/Associated Press/East News

In addition to her mindset and lifestyle choices, Cher maintains her youthful vitality through a dedicated fitness routine that includes yoga. Surprisingly, she also indulges in a delightful treat: ice cream. Cher’s love for this frozen delight led her to venture into the world of gelato, where she founded her own company, Cherlato. The flavors offered by Cherlato are a testament to her adventurous spirit, featuring unique options like avocado and crispy breadcrumbs, alongside classics like chocolate.

Cher’s enduring style and attitude are proof that age is just a number, and staying true to oneself is the ultimate key to timeless youthfulness.

Preview photo credit ASSOCIATED PRESS/East News, KGC-502/STAR MAX/IPx/Associated Press/East News, LP/Coleman Rayner/East News


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