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Being a mother at 40 is a blessing to Eva Mendes. She takes time off from becoming an actress to focus on her family, especially her kids, with whom she prioritizes spending her time. Juggling between career and family is undoubtedly difficult for every mother. However, she and Ryan Gosling agreed to raise their children on their own, free from external help and away from the spotlight.
The actress took a hiatus from the cinematic world to take care of her daughters, spending her time as an entrepreneur and a mom. “I never quit acting. I wanted to be home with my babies and fortunately, my other business ventures allowed me to do that more than acting would.”
Mendes wants her kids to live a normal life out of the public eye, and one of the family’s regular activities is to get out of town, so their kids have more freedom to be out and about without all the attention. It is also important to Mendes that she be present for her family and not spend too much time on social media. “My little ones need me, and posting takes up too much time,” she said in an interview.
The way she lives is surely not without reason. Mendes remembered, “My mom was there for me at home until I was about 8 or 9.”
This memory sticks with her and helps Mendes become the person she was all those years ago. With that, she wants the same thing for both of her daughters. “I want this time with my kids,” she revealed. “And then now, I’m obsessed.”
Putting her career on hold, the 40-something mom and Gosling reveal that they are very hands-on in taking care of their children. Even though their 2 daughters have a tutor, they insist on receiving help from their family instead of hiring nannies or even housekeepers.
The couple shares their house duties. Gosling takes care of the cooking, while Mendes is responsible for the dishes and cleaning, which is meditative for her. “Clean sink equals clear mind for me.”
Ryan Gosling has had his sights set solely on Mendes since they first met in 2011. He is not open about his family, but he commented about how much sacrifice Mendes gave, especially when she was pregnant while taking care of her brother when he was ill. “If she hadn’t taken all that experience, someone else would be up here,” he said.