Goosebumps Serve as an Important Function in Our Bodies, and Scientists Have Only Just Learned About It

3 years ago

Even if it seems that goosebumps are nothing more than a reaction left by our animal ancestors, it turns out that we still need them, and ultimately, can benefit from them. Thanks to scientists’ curiosity along with their knowledge and research, we finally know why we still get goosebumps.

Bright Side just found out about this new discovery and a particular case about our bodies that we all can benefit from.

In the past, our goosebumps were saving our lives.

As the ambient temperature gets lower, the muscles surrounding the hair follicles trigger goosebumps. This made people feel warmer in the past, but that’s not all. It also kept our ancestors safe from predators. That’s because when they found themselves in a dangerous situation, like if they were in front of an animal, the adrenalin rush would make their hair stand up and they’d look scarier. This helped them stay safe.

Goosebumps are essential for regenerating our hair.

Today, scientists have confirmed that the nerves really target the stem cells and the nervous system that normally is activated at a low temperature in order to regulate the body’s functions. This activity is keeping the cells in a state that is ready for regeneration. So, when we’re exposed to cold for longer periods of time, the nerves get activated at a higher level and more signals get released.

The prolonged exposure to the low temperatures is key in that it activates a quick regeneration of our hair, meaning we grow new strands. However, the bridge between the muscles and hair follicle cells also creates the same effect but for a short time and activates hair growth in the long run.

The same cells are responsible for repairing wounds.

Most of our organs are made of 3 different tissues. However, in our skin, these tissues are organized in a different way. The nerve is connected to smooth, tiny muscles. This helps in regulating the balance of your body’s chemical and physical functions. Plus, it responds to environmental stimulations as well.

This muscle also connects the stem cells which is not only critical for growing new hair, but it also repairs wounds. In fact, the more cells there are, the better healing will be. This is why, in most cases, when a piece of skin is needed for medical donations, it’s taken from the scalp.

The muscles act like a support bridge.

In the end, researchers tried to remove the muscle from the whole picture to see if we could still get goosebumps, grow hair, and even heal wounds without it. However, once they cut out the connection between the muscle and hair follicle, the nerve fell back and the connection with the hair was lost. This confirmed that the muscle is, in fact, the important bridge between the nerves and the hair.

Is there a certain situation that gives you goosebumps? What other studies would you like to learn more about?


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