Ben Stiller’s Story Is Proof That Time Can Be the Best Cure for Love Problems

2 years ago

When people break up, the majority of them don’t get back together. For those who do, 14% break up again and 15% end up living happily ever after. Recently, it was confirmed that Ben Stiller and Christine Taylor just got back together, and we are rooting for them to be one of the couples that make it work.

Some relationships go through a series of plot twists before having a fairy-tale ending. And at Bright Side, we believe that this couple’s love story may not be perfect, but it is worth telling.

How it all started

Ben Stiller and Christine Taylor first met while shooting the TV pilot of Heat Vision and Jack in the late 1990s. Although this series did not make it to air, it took the 2 young actors to new places. For Stiller, it was love at first sight. It didn’t take the couple long to tie the knot at an ocean seaside ceremony in Hawaii on May 13, 2000.

They welcomed 2 children into the world, their daughter Ella, in 2002, and son Quinlin, in 2005. And from a career point of view, both kids shared movie parts with their dad in Megamind, Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb, and Escape at Dannemora.

They decided to split up after almost 2 decades of marriage.

After 17 years of living together, showing tremendous love and respect for each other, the duo announced to Entertainment Tonight that they mutually decided to end their marriage. They said that their priority would be raising their children, and they asked the media to respect their privacy at the time.

Rumors started to swirl about the reason behind this shocking divorce. It was said that it was due to Stiller’s secret battle with a serious illness, while others said it was due to Taylor’s mother passing away in 2012. But either way, there was no way to verify any of these theories.

They were always seen with each other, but they weren’t back together.

In 2019, Stiller and his ex-wife attended the 2019 Emmy Awards together. After one month, they were spotted eating and laughing in New York City in a “very natural and organic way,” as an eyewitness stated to US magazine. Throughout their breakup period, the couple avoided questions about their relationship status. Taylor once dodged questions about their relationship by simply saying, “We’re a big family. We’re together all the time.”

They had to move in together again.

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In 2020, Stiller moved back into his ex-wife’s home so they both could stay with their children. During this time, Stiller officially revealed to Esquire that the situation made them realize that they still wanted to be with each other and that they were officially back together!

The couple focuses on trust and loyalty to make things work.

John Shearer/Invision/AP/East News

After finally reuniting with his wife and family, Stiller shared his realizations about what makes a marriage work as you get older. “I think we have a respect for the ways that we’re similar and the ways we’re different,” he said. He also emphasized the importance of trust in a relationship.

A source close to the couple revealed to People that Stiller and Taylor never really even dated anyone else during the whole time they were separated. The famous couple’s reunion was straightforward and low-profile. It was a real example of how true love will always find its way back on track.

So, what do you think about this relationship? Was it worth fighting for? Let us know in the comment section below.

Preview photo credit Robin Platzer/Twin Images/ Hulton Archive/ Getty Images, 0000554/Reporter/East News


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