How Eating Rice Helps the Japanese Live So Long

4 years ago

In the past, common people in Japan couldn’t eat much rice, because most of it was reserved for nobility, and Japanese farmers even used rice to pay their taxes. Today, we can’t imagine Japanese cuisine without rice noodles, sushi, or sticky rice with fried eggs, and this delicious and highly nutritious grain has claimed its spot on our kitchen shelves as well. And it’s not just a side dish or an accompaniment, in fact, a healthy bowl of rice can benefit your body in many surprising ways.

We at Bright Side believe there are a lot of things we can learn from Japanese people. And adding some rice to our meals is the easiest and tastiest way to do it.

1. It may help you lose weight.

If you’ve been on a quest to lose weight for quite some time, a plate of rice might be just what the doctor ordered. Because rice is low in fat and sodium and high in fiber, it can be a great addition to your weight loss diet. It has been proven that people who eat brown rice weigh less and have lower chances of gaining extra weight. However, when it comes to white rice, it may be less effective when it comes to weight loss.

2. It helps you look younger.

Japanese women use rice water to keep their skin smooth and youthful, but eating rice regularly might help you stop the clock too. Rice contains lots of antioxidants that protect your skin cells from damage caused by free radicals and may even smooth existing wrinkles.

3. It keeps the heart healthy.

Eating rice regularly is a natural and delicious way to improve your heart’s health. Because it’s a natural anti-inflammatory, it prevents plaques from forming inside the blood vessels and lowers your risks for certain heart conditions, like heart attacks or strokes. Rice is also high in flavonoids that have been proven to combat various heart diseases.

4. It keeps high blood sugar at bay.

For anyone who suffers from high blood sugar, eating rice is a good way to fight it. But it’s better to opt for brown rice, because it has about 3 times more fiber and is higher in protein. Choosing brown over white rice gives you a feeling of fullness, and eating just 7 ounces (200 grams) of it a day can help you support a healthy blood sugar level.

5. It helps digestion.

The high-fiber content in rice can also reduce constipation and help regulate your digestive system. Because it serves as a natural diuretic, it cleanses your body and flushes toxins from your system which benefits your kidneys as well.

6. It improves nervous system health.

If you eat rice regularly, your nervous system will reap the benefits too. Our body’s nervous system needs different B vitamins to stay healthy, and because rice contains many types of B vitamins, it helps regulate its biological processes.

7. It fuels energy levels.

If you’re used to having an energy drink to get yourself through your workouts, put it down because rice is one of the healthiest ways to boost your energy. Our bodies need carbohydrates so they can transform them into energy. Because rice is rich in healthy carbohydrates, it can come to the rescue when you’re feeling tired and run down.

How often do you eat rice? Do you prefer white or brown rice?

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our country 's national food is ruce but i',m look like first example ..😂😂😂


Well that's me out to go buy a ton load of brown rice tomorrow!! 😁


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