
20+ Photos That Prove Japan Is a Country Like No Other

20+ Photos That Prove Japan Is a Country Like No Other
year ago

We’re used to calling Japan the Land of the Rising Sun, but it’s so diverse, it has a lot of different names, like Eight (or Many) Islands, Country of Lush Ears, Country of Bountiful Reed Plain(s), and many more. Japan is so amazing and original that we never have a shortage of photos that can surprise us. And we have a bonus feature to share: about a woman people look at a lot in Tokyo.

14 Unique Things About Japan That Make Us Want to Buy a Plane Ticket

14 Unique Things About Japan That Make Us Want to Buy a Plane Ticket
2 years ago

Japan has always fascinated foreigners for its unique history, tradition, and ingenuity of its people. So it’s no wonder that today this island country ranks among the top most-desired places to visit in the world. Aside from the undeniable beauty of historical landmarks, natural wonders, and amazing food, Japan attracts tourists with all kinds of quirky everyday stuff.

20 Pics That Prove Japan Is Truly Out of the Ordinary

20 Pics That Prove Japan Is Truly Out of the Ordinary
2 years ago

Karaoke, emojis, umami, Pokémon, the bullet train, and the selfie stick — these are just a few inventions Japan has gifted the world with. And if you ever slurp your noodles loudly and get a strange look from your friends, you can tell them this fun fact: slurping your noodles in Japan means the food is delicious.

20 Photos That Prove People in Japan Live in a Parallel Universe

20 Photos That Prove People in Japan Live in a Parallel Universe
3 years ago

Japan is a place where the most ancient and ancestral traditions coexist perfectly with modernity and technological advances. With colorful landscapes and streets where it seems that not even a pin could be out of place, this country has a great charm and magnetism that attracts all kinds of people, especially foreigners who are on the other side of the planet longing for exotic adventures. With that in mind, Reddit users that visited Japan shared their travel pictures, which are the ultimate proof that this country seems to belong to a parallel universe.

18 Things That Clearly Show How Unique Japan Is

18 Things That Clearly Show How Unique Japan Is
2 years ago

It’s no secret that Japan is already living in the future. And although it’s home to robot waiters and bullet trains with speeds up to 200 miles per hour, it’s the little things in its inhabitants’ daily lives that truly make Japan unlike any other country in the world. From sinks that are attached to toilets to use less water to their obsession with glasses, there are some incredible facts about the land of the rising sun that can make you super excited to visit this country.

20+ Startling Photos From Japan the Locals Wouldn’t Even Notice

20+ Startling Photos From Japan the Locals Wouldn’t Even Notice
3 years ago

Japan is a country of high-tech where comfort and convenience are really valued. Smart toilets, fast trains, vending machines — these are only a few of the things that pop up in our minds when we think about Japan. But it seems that there’s no limit to the creativity of the Japanese, and they continue to impress the world with their inventions.

A Simple Money Trick From Japan That Can Make You 35% Richer

A Simple Money Trick From Japan That Can Make You 35% Richer
Tips & tricks
3 years ago

We all say that we want to save money, but what you actually do makes all the difference. If you’ve always struggled with saving, then you should definitely take a look at the “Land of the Rising Sun,” otherwise known as Japan. They have an ingenious trick called the kakeibo method, which implies using nothing but a notebook to save. If you’re wondering what to do with it, grab a pen and start writing.

20+ Reasons to See Japan With Your Own Eyes at Least Once in Your Lifetime

20+ Reasons to See Japan With Your Own Eyes at Least Once in Your Lifetime
3 years ago

Japan never stops surprising even those of us who’ve been there many times. Food with impossible flavors, amazing art, things and practices that make guests and locals feel safe and comfortable — these are just a few reasons why the world loves Japan. Even if you think you’ve seen everything, make yourself some tea or coffee and get ready to see fruit-shaped bus stops, life-sized Lego people, trains where seats are facing the windows, and many more unique things you can find in Japan.

15+ Giant Straw Sculptures From an Annual Festival in Japan That Will Leave You in Awe

15+ Giant Straw Sculptures From an Annual Festival in Japan That Will Leave You in Awe
3 years ago

The Niigata Prefecture in Northern Japan holds an unusual art festival that gathers thousands of visitors every year. The uniqueness of the event lies in the material they use for creating their sculptures — rice straw that is left over after the rice is harvested. This straw is called ’wara’ which is where the name — ’wara art’ comes from. Basically, this straw is used for various purposes like covering roofs, as a fertilizer, or as livestock feed, but Niigata decided to come up with this creative way of creating giant statues that amaze onlookers with their size.

20 Inventions That Prove Japan Has Already Jumped Into the Future

20 Inventions That Prove Japan Has Already Jumped Into the Future
3 years ago

If someone ever comes up with a great innovative idea, it’s likely that someone else in Japan has already thought of it before. From the robot staff of shops to foods in unthinkable flavors, the country seems to be living in the future, and we are left in the “past,” wondering how they got there. We at Bright Side go crazy over all-things Japan, and we went to take a closer look at some of the things you can only find in the Land of the Rising Sun, hoping to eventually catch up with them.

A Cartoonist Creates Cool Comics That Show Japan Is a Country Like No Other

A Cartoonist Creates Cool Comics That Show Japan Is a Country Like No Other
4 years ago

Celebrating Christmas while having a big KFC meal or being greeted by a cat at a store are things that can only happen in Japan. All cultures have singularities that make them stand out, but this country stands out for its lifestyle, which is radically different from what we’re used to on the other side of the world. A unique creativity is necessary to demonstrate these differences, and the artist Evangeline Neo, from Singapore, definitely has it. After visiting Japan, she decided to illustrate some aspects of the Japanese culture in her funny comics. Her work has enchanted people to such a degree that she’s currently one of the most recognized artists in Southeast Asia. You can find her cartoons on her accounts on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter as @evacomics.

19 Things in Japan That Seem Either Wild or Genius but Definitely Not Boring

19 Things in Japan That Seem Either Wild or Genius but Definitely Not Boring
4 years ago

Everyone knows that Japan is one of the most technologically advanced countries and that the general population has a very high level of education. The lifestyle of the local people and their traditions have an influence on how Japan appears to outsiders. In this country, you can try the most unusual foods, see how well-thought-out customer service is, and experience how high the level of safety and mutual trust is.

A Man From Japan Has More Than 100 Wives. What’s Going On?

A Man From Japan Has More Than 100 Wives. What’s Going On?
5 years ago

Money certainly cannot buy family, love, or friendship. However, it can buy the appearance of these things. Ishii Yuichi, a man from Japan, came up with the idea for people to hire actors to play the roles of a husband, wife, or parent. Yuichi has also joined this “real-life” stage and now has more than 100 “wives” and many kids — and some of them are sure that he’s their real father.

9 Things You Can Only See in Japan Even If You Travel the Whole World

9 Things You Can Only See in Japan Even If You Travel the Whole World
5 years ago

Elements from Japanese culture are in our lives right now: many people watch anime and Japanese TV series, they eat wok and sushi, and they listen to songs by Japanese singers. And even such a seemingly ordinary thing as karaoke actually originated in Japan. However, there are still some things that can only be seen in the Land of the Rising Sun.

15 Astounding Things That Prove Japan Is a Hundred Steps Ahead of the World

15 Astounding Things That Prove Japan Is a Hundred Steps Ahead of the World
2 years ago

You might already be aware of how Japan offers mind-blowing things that make us think the future is here, like their capsule hotels and the bullet train a.k.a. Shinkansen. But surely it doesn’t stop there. Japan keeps innovating and surprising us with more and more. Here is a whole list of things to show you how today’s Japan is already experiencing what tomorrow will look like for the rest of us.

26 Exclusive Things From Japan the World Would Like to Adopt

26 Exclusive Things From Japan the World Would Like to Adopt
5 years ago

In Japan, you can buy a single use lip balm or bread with the crust already cut off. And their attention to hospitality and excellent service is on a completely different level, even at a budget hotel. We’ve found examples depicting this unique world full of kind people and incredible technology.

8 Things in Japan That May Surprise First-Time Visitors

8 Things in Japan That May Surprise First-Time Visitors
year ago

If you dream of visiting Japan, then you probably know that in this country things are really different from what you may be used to. Of course, this could be said about almost any country but Japan is still pretty special. For example, here, you can get a wide range of services at any time of day and night in a regular grocery store but you may not be allowed to visit a sauna if you have tattoos. In Japan, there are a lot of rules but the most important one is to cause no trouble for other people.

14 Astounding Facts About Japan That Prove a Parallel Universe Does Exist

14 Astounding Facts About Japan That Prove a Parallel Universe Does Exist
year ago

Due to a powerful earthquake that happened in 2011 in Japan, the Earth started spinning 1.8 microseconds faster. So if you feel like you don’t have enough time, you know what to blame. But seriously, Japan is so unique that it had a chance to influence the planet’s rotation speed. It is truly a whole other universe and we found 16 facts that prove it.

15 Things Proving That Japan Lives in 3018

15 Things Proving That Japan Lives in 3018
year ago

Japan has always been an example to follow for the rest of the world when it comes to development, innovation, and service. Whenever you come to Japan it has something to amaze you with. Robots working as the hotel staff, elevators with attendants and shops without them, and parking lots for umbrellas and delicious food.

10+ Proofs That Japan Is Full of Surprises

10+ Proofs That Japan Is Full of Surprises
year ago

Japan is one of the most extraordinary places on Earth, where centuries-old traditions peacefully coexist alongside bustling innovation.We at Bright Side really admire this unique country and have found reasons to support our feelings.

16 Life-Changing Lessons I Learned After Living in Japan For a Year

16 Life-Changing Lessons I Learned After Living in Japan For a Year
year ago

Amy Chavez is an American journalist who lives in Shiraishi Island, Japan, and writes columns about mysterious Japan for several Western publications. We at Bright Side are truly fascinated with Amy’s observations about the life-changing lessons people can learn from the Japanese. When you first set foot in Japan, it’s hard not to be impressed by the social order and efficiency of everything. The streets are clean, trains run on time, and the people are quiet and polite, yet a bit eccentric, which gives them an extra charm (cosplay, long lines for chicken ramen flavor ice cream, or Lotteria’s 5-patty tower burger). Even the shortest trip to Japan can be a life-changing experience. No one returns to their country the same person as when they left it. I came up with the following observations and conclusions after talking to a number of tourists and people who live in Japan.

15+ Japanese School Rules That Surprise Even the Locals

15+ Japanese School Rules That Surprise Even the Locals
year ago

Japan is a country with many surprises. Even the learning process there doesn’t start in the fall: Japanese students start school in April and take a break in March. But this is not the only aspect that seems odd when it comes to their education system.We decided to learn more about how the Japanese live. And at the end of the article, there’s a bonus proving that this country has a lot of unusual school rules.

15+ Japanese School Rules That Even Astonish Locals

15+ Japanese School Rules That Even Astonish Locals
2 years ago

Japan is a country of surprises that never stops astonishing foreigners. Even a school year in the Land of the Rising Sun starts, not in August, but in April, and finishes in March. But that’s not the only interesting aspect of the Japanese educational system.

7 Exercises the Japanese Do to Stay Youthful

7 Exercises the Japanese Do to Stay Youthful
year ago

According to a recent study, more than 1 in 4 people in Japan are 65 or older. To a certain extent, it is due to their balanced diet and exercise. “Rajio taiso” is a set of incredibly popular dynamic aerobic exercises that are easy to perform and can help you become more active without taking up much of your time.

Japanese Monkeys De-stress in Their Own Spa, and Their Expressions Are Priceless

Japanese Monkeys De-stress in Their Own Spa, and Their Expressions Are Priceless
2 years ago

In Jigokudani Monkey Park, Japan, a troop of Japanese macaques, also known as snow monkeys, begin their days with a relaxing dip in their own personal hot tub. The thing is, Jigokudani hosts many natural hot springs, and one troop of snow monkeys took a particular liking to them. For almost 70 years, they’ve been taking baths and drawing thousands of tourists from all around the world.

Why More and More Japanese People Choose to Stay Single

Why More and More Japanese People Choose to Stay Single
3 years ago

Even though staying single is not necessarily a taboo topic in most parts of the world, for most Japanese people, it’s still uncharted territory that not many are willing to enter. However, the number of people staying single in Japan is increasing every year, and they feel that living alone brings more benefits.

16 Things That Are in Every Japanese Home, and We Wish We Had Them Too

16 Things That Are in Every Japanese Home, and We Wish We Had Them Too
3 years ago

It’s not for nothing that Japan is often referred to as “another planet.” All you need to do is peek into an apartment of an ordinary resident of the Land of the Rising Sun and you’ll see fridge doors that open to different sides, clothes that aren’t drying on the balcony, and hardly any potholders in the kitchen. And at the same time, almost every Japanese person has a small grill in their home.