20 Pics That Prove Japan Is Truly Out of the Ordinary

2 years ago

Karaoke, emojis, umami, Pokémon, the bullet train, and the selfie stick — these are just a few inventions Japan has gifted the world with. And if you ever slurp your noodles loudly and get a strange look from your friends, you can tell them this fun fact: slurping your noodles in Japan means the food is delicious.

1. “Lunch at a Japanese hospital while I was giving birth”

2. Aquarium toilet

A popular tourist attraction in Japan, consisting of a toilet surrounded by a huge aquarium, floating exotic fish, and 1 turtle, can be seen in one of Japan’s most famous cafés.

3. Speaking of toilets, this must feel like being on top of the world.

4. “Clear Coca-Cola bought in Osaka, Japan”

5. “Rainbow cheesecake; it was one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever eaten.”

6. There is approximately 1 vending machine for every 35 people in Japan. Here are the banana and fish broth vending machines.

7. “This ’telecube’ room lets workers do remote work.”

8. “This was inside the stall, making it difficult for me to pick. So many choices!”

9. “This locker area in a science museum”

10. “This machine at a Japanese ski resort warms up and dries your gloves out.”

11. This is the statue of Hachiko with a few furry friends keeping him company.

12. “This building has a thermometer.”

13. Miyajima, an island in Japan, also known as The Deer Island, is home to the wild-but-tame Sika deer; they roam the streets freely.

As cute as this little guy looks, he stole someone’s map.

14. Ōkunoshima, a.k.a. The Rabbit Island, is another place you can enjoy in Japan. No one really knows how the rabbits got there.

15. “This is ONE photo of a camping store in Tokyo.”

16. Gold foil ice cream

17. “In Japan, they give you a handle for your bag with large, awkward items.”

18. Little children being pushed in a cart

19. “There’s an island in Japan, Miyajima, where deer roam free by the hundreds. This one was silently walking around with this kid for a few hours.”

20. Sewer cover in Osaka

If you could instantly teleport yourself to an island of rabbits, cats, or deer, where would you go? Or would you rather visit the aquarium toilet instead? Let us know all about it in the comments.

Please note: This article was updated in October 2022 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.


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Yes re: no 6, yes they have vending machines for everything including in the subway they have one of individually wrapped worn little girls to teenagers worn underwear for the deviants in society.
Personally l would love to visit the aquarium toilet or cat island.


I'd love to be transported to the three animal islands on different days to play with the animals, feed them, and just share the same space. I'd like to think it would bring them some happiness because it would bring me so much joy to do something like this.


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