I Abandoned My Parents on an Island To Get My Cruise on Time

2 months ago

Imagine this: your cruise ship is about to set sail, but your family is still on the island, running late. Would you leave them behind? One person did just that, and now they are turning to the internet for a verdict. Was they right or wrong?

They explained the whole story

I think, I can never earn over which I paid by my precedent employer, but I was wrong, world is so large to try their fate. but now I am making $52/h even more,and easily earn minimum $1300/week, on the experience everyone must try to do work online, easy way to earn, here's an example.


Turned to the internet for advice, and people were mostly on their side

  • Your parents are acting entitled. Tell them you saved them the expense of a third ticket to the next port. ParsimoniousSalad / Reddit
  • They seriously think the ship will be delayed for 45 minutes. The docks and ship have a schedule to keep. They are adults and need to be responsible for getting back on time. Which is something you have figured out in less than 6 months of being an adult. At least you don’t have to go on any more vacations with them after this. OwlPal9182 / Reddit
  • Your parents are in the wrong. I don’t do cruises but I have some experience with them because I travel to a place where cruise ships are common. I also thought passengers were warned that the ship leaves no matter who is on board. You would never have been able to prevent the cruise ship from leaving. They have a schedule and they keep to it. The ship waits for no one. This is ALL on your parents. They didn’t respect the ship schedule. Aggravating-Pain9249 / Reddit
  • What precisely do they think you could have done? Kidnapped the captain? Staged your own drowning? You didn’t abandon them, they abandoned you, don’t let them weasel word this around to being your fault in any way, shape, or form! I’m sorry your parents have ruined this for you. It’s pretty pathetic of them to blame you for their extremely easy-to-avoid deliberate bad decisions. They owe you at least two apologies, one for ignoring your sage advice in the first place, the second for behaving like spoiled 4-year-olds.

Talking of cruises, here’s why cruise ships have fewer lifeboats than the Titanic.


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