I Would Rather Eat Alone in My Car Than Have a Lunch Break With My Coworkers

9 months ago

Many workers cherish the midday break from the computer screen and fluorescent lights. But for some, that break isn’t just about refueling the body, it’s about escaping the company of coworkers. A recent TikTok video by Jade struck a chord with many, sparking the question: Can you blame her for preferring her car to the company cafeteria?

In the video, Jade declares her unwavering dedication to solo lunch breaks in her car, even braving bad weather. «I don’t know what it says about me as an employee, but I would rather sit in my car on my lunch break than sit at work with all my co-workers and just have lunch with them. No, like I’d rather sit in my car if it was pouring rain and snowstorming,» she says, adding, «You won’t catch me in my workplace having my lunch break.»

So, what’s behind the desire for a desk-free, colleague-free lunch hour? There are several possibilities. Introverts, as one commenter hilariously noted, said «Me in my car on my lunch break watching this lol,» may crave some quiet time to recharge after a morning of social interaction. Perhaps the conversation in the break room just doesn’t resonate, or maybe work drama spills over into lunchtime, as another user pointed out: «The break room is hell on earth. Especially if it’s like everyone having a break at the same time.»

Whatever the reason, Jade’s video highlights the importance of a true break during the workday. Ideally, a lunch break should be a chance to de-stress and refresh, not an extension of the morning meeting.

For employers, this begs the question: Are there ways to create a more welcoming lunch space for employees who might otherwise seek solace in their cars? Designated quiet areas or outdoor break spaces could be a solution.

Ultimately, a happy medium is key. Maybe some colleagues enjoy catching up over lunch, while others, like the commenter who said, «My break is FROM my coworkers,» need true solitude. Recognizing and catering to these different preferences can help ensure a more balanced and productive workday for everyone. And for those who simply prefer a walk and some fresh air, like another commenter who said, «I go for a walk on my lunch break, my manager is always trying to figure out why I never talk to anyone in the office haha it’s work not family,» well, more power to them!

We all deserve to enjoy our lunch break. In the next article, we’ll share 7 tips for dealing with challenging coworkers so you can ditch the car lunch and head back to the breakroom with a smile.

Preview photo credit itsjadebabyy / TikTok


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