Jennifer Lopez’s Daring Breastplate Sparks Controversy

10 months ago

One of the most famous celebrity couples, Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck — a.k.a. “Bennifer” — made a splash at Elle’s 2023 Women in Hollywood event, and this time it wasn’t because of their apparent arguments. JLo’s outfit sparked controversy, and many fans criticized her without actually knowing what the daring item symbolized.


Jennifer Lopez sported a special shiny silver-blue chest plate created by Grace Ling, an artist from Singapore who mixes fashion and 3D tech to make sustainable designs. The piece was made to fit Lopez’s chest, shoulders, and upper body, showing off her toned abs from the front, and it has a completely open back. Lopez paired it with a tight, long, black skirt that highlighted her classic hourglass shape.

Avalon/Photoshot/East News

The eye-catching breastplate trend has been embraced by numerous celebrities, like Zendaya, Rihanna, and many others (pictures below), leading some to view it as a powerful symbol on the red carpet. This style not only provides coverage for cleavage but also embodies a modern interpretation of graceful femininity and strength.

JLo went on to receive her fifth Elle’s Icon Award, emphasizing, “Of all the things I thought I would grow up to be when I was a little girl, the last thing on my list was icon.”

Lopez took the opportunity to talk about breaking boundaries and celebrating women’s strengths in Hollywood, sharing, “The things that women are usually criticized for and kept out of rooms for, things like changing our minds, things like being emotional, and having our attention in several different places at once, are actually our superpowers and the essence of who we are. That is what it is to actually be a woman.

Despite Lopez turning heads all evening, some individuals began to criticize her outfit selection. Trolls slammed her choice of a revealing top, insisting, “Put some clothes on!!!! You’re in your fifties,” while others likened her attire to a car’s hood. Nevertheless, when you radiate the kind of brilliance that JLo does, there will always be those eager to voice their negative opinions, even when it’s not their place to do so.

Another celebrity who recently faced public scrutiny was Paris Hilton; when trolls targeted her son’s head size, she responded in the best possible way.

Preview photo credit MICHAEL TRAN/AFP/East News, Avalon/Photoshot/East News


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