King of Chill: A Baby Sleeps in Arms Up Position Just Like in the Ultrasound

You’re about to meet the most chill baby ever. Michael, the baby, loves to sleep with his arms up. And when his mom realized it looked like an ultrasound they had, she was amazed. Let’s meet their story and see more lovely photos of the family.

Sarah Kelleher Steppling is the mom of the sweet baby Michael. When she was pregnant at almost 39 weeks, she took a more precise ultrasound to see her son’s face. She hung the photo on her mom’s fridge, and only several months later, she realized Michael’s position was familiar to her.

“He still does that! He is the king of taking it easy,” she recorded. Sarah then compared the ultrasound and Michael’s sleeping position side-by-side and was surprised at how similar it looked. She posted the collage on the internet, and it was an immediate hit.

Sarah mentions that having Michael was a “life-changing” experience. The baby was born with hemolytic anemia and severe prolonged jaundice. He had to be at the children’s hospital for 48h, so the doctor could monitor his blood. Luckily, he recovered quickly.

And Michael didn’t win the “most chill baby” award without a fight. Sarah says he never cries very long and is very laid back.

Interestingly enough, Michael’s surprising sleeping position in the womb isn’t the only thing babies can do while in their mom’s belly. They can smile depending on what food the mom eats too. Also, if a pregnant woman eats a diverse diet, the baby may be less picky with their chosen foods. How cool is that?

Preview photo credit Sarah Kelleher Steppling


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My baby slept like that too, so cute! He still does somethimes, he's 7 now.


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